NOTE!!! There is PROBLEM with this book. The second half of the book is complete BULLSHIT - the author begins to advocate BORROWING and using loans. Ignore this second part. I would hope most of you would have the brains [moran] to figure that out, but still.
Monday, March 9, 2009
More on "stupid" politicians
Sexy..... anyway... I'd like to say - as a few of you pointed out on the post below about Bush leaving office that PAILIN was another one those GENIUS politicians that played stupid to the masses.
Who remembers hearing during the campaigne: "oh that sara pailin is SO STUPID...." "like OMG, shes so DUMB"... the media hyped it up even more making the ACT seem that much more real.
Moranic sheeple. LOL. Come on - if you have MORANS calling a politician stupid... lol.... Palin is a genius - shes HOT #1, #2 is she knows how to act. It's the old good-cop bad cop routine. Make one politician look better by making the other look like a retard.. And Pailin played these sheep like a PLAYSTATION all during the fall of last year - MORANS! Shes the goddamed govenor of the state of Alaska!
Do you think she got that way by being an Ewok? No fools - it's how every sheep thinks their BOSS or the owner of the company is the biggest IDIOT in the building. NO MORANS he's the genius - you work hard to prove that you're smarter than your 'idiot boss'...
Then you had McCain - I jut LOVE how he pretended to be an old, out of touch, awkward man, with Alzheimer.... HA!
You had all the sheep going, hes so OLD and SLOW, and DETACHED.... Let me tell you something McCain is a SHARP AS A TACK intellectually - Watch several of his interviews AFTER he 'lost' the election. The one he did on the Letterman show sticks out in my mind. He did it a few days after Obama win the election. In the interview he has the SLIEST SMILE/SMIRK of his face... as if he had just got done tricking a mass of cattle to herd into a meat processing plant. He sat their as poised as can be, ruthless and grinning and he talked to letterman with more confidence that you ever would have seen him exhibit during the campaign show -- after all it was all over now. He made several jokes as if to say "i dint give a fuck" about losing the election - then he would revert back into the "pathetic old man" Mccain when asked about the election specifically.... You fools, they turn this charade on and off like a light switch. They go from stupid, bumbling politician, to YOU BETTER DO AS I TELL YOU politician, and then back to the meek "I'm sorry - I have failed you" politician that we saw from Bush as he left the whitehouse ---- AND YOU FOOLS FALL FOR IT EVERY TIME!!!
Bush, Mccain, and Obama are probably partying right now in that new PIMP-RIDE they got just marveling on how EASY it all was!!
I want to tell you morans something.
If you remember, and think back, when bush first came to office before 9.11 in 2001 he pretended to be VERY compassionate, sensitive, meek, diplomatic and all the other words for a fuzzy, soft politician -- then he immediately switched to the genus highly AUTHORITATIVE/ORDER GIVING bush that we knew post 9/11. I thought this was BRILLIANT because the effect a person is more than doubled when they think you are SOFT -- and then you suddenly turn HARD. This is good cop/bad cop again. The good cop allows the suspect to RELAX and LISTEN.. to open up... The bad cop then enters the room and BARKS questions - more suggestion is therefor injected into a person whose guard is down. This is exactly what happened after 9/11. The American people were caught off guard by bushes sudden commands and demands of them - and that's what made it all the more effective.
If the politician is too hard from the get-go people will become cynical and not be open to suggestion - like towards the end of bushes last term in office - the people have grown cynical to hear "the decider" bark at them - their mental and emotional guard is up.
But looky here! Now the sheeples guard is COMPLETELY DOWN!!! In fact they have their pants down and their asses bent up in the air. They simply LOVE their gentle, loving, caring, god, obama... just imagine how open these cattle will be to the shock when it comes. Just imagine how high they will JUMP when obama gives the word.
I remember hearing morans going "bush is ruining the country! - he's such an idiot!" - No bitch - YOU'RE the IDIOT and he's making the country BETTER!
Its the same old game since NIXON. It works like this:
1) Come in as the CHANGER
2) Shake shit up
3) go out as the "man who made mistakes" and has "regrets"
Nixon went out with a scandal - by doing this the next president is made to look better, like the hero, like the savior... who was Ford... who also went out with a scandal ..then Carter came in to save the day as the hero...but alas carter "fucked up" and then Regan was the new hero, but then regan "fucked up" and Bush 1 came to the rescue....
If you MORANS remember 1990 - it was CLINTON who ran on the same exact slogan as obama - CHANGE - you morans simply cant remember can you - i remember as clear as day - Clinton and his supporters wanted CHANGE, a new YOUNG, handsome president to "CHANGE" the old withering white man fucking up the country regime that had been going on for a while.
So how did the sheep end up with bush 2?
IT WAS A GODDAMED PUPPET SHOW CIRCUS and ALL of the the sheep fell for it! Are you MORANS?? seriously are you all MORANS!! Do you think the goddamed head of the free world would ever allow a REAL scandal about him to leak to the press that they control? This is why you morans couldnt figure out why Hillary 'still stayed with her cheating husband' -- CAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED MORANS!!! It's like when people always ask "how come Magic Johnson's wife DOESNT have AIDS" --- BITCH BECAUSE HE'S GAY!!!
Look in those SWEET eyes of his!!
He likes to pack-fudge. GET A BRAIN MORANS [go usa].
Here's another pic in case you cant see the SWEETNESS:
Use your brains [morans] Magic johnsons wife never got AIDS cause he wasnt fucking her! Hillary clinton never left her husband after being publicly embarrased because IT NEVER HAPPENED TO BEGIN WITH!!
What the scandal DID do was make clinton look like an ASS-CLOWN so that there would be an excuse for a "change" and a hero - and that person was BUSH JR. (who like all before him are political geniuses!)
Now Jr. is the shamed one -- a botched war (oops), a bad economy (oops), 4000+ dead in Iraq (oops) ... call in a new God to take the cattles mind of the fact that they have been more and more contained in the past 15 years than ever before.
One day very soon all these MORANS are going to be culled. The will be given a flat, and there will be one style of car to chose from - it shall come in 3 colors Black, Navy blue, and Grey.... food shall be delivered by Family Services in a cardboard BOX 2 times daily. Water, chocolate, and razor blades will all be rationed - just like in 1984. You will need a TICKET to leave your magnetic POD and you will be tethered to the Gamma Knife Computer and constantly watched by prisoners on LUNA. In fact those are the people that will make up the entire visual surveillance grid - prisoners.
Here in philly they have already started practice for such a thing - it's called the philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) there are thousands of these meter maids roaming, ticketing and towing like something out of Demolition Man. When they first appeared on the streets in force, everyone thought - where the hell did they get so many meter maids form. Answer? The Prison Colonies - the junkies in prison as part of their parole are assigned a job with the PPA to administer fines. The system is a success. The Lunar Surveillance Network will be set up in the same fashion. If you deviate from the law - you will become the law (in one form or the other).
People like FURK will be plugged into a spy camera in somewhere in Tycho as apposed to making license plates.
It's almost the 23rd - Will Powell's warning come true??
Who remembers hearing during the campaigne: "oh that sara pailin is SO STUPID...." "like OMG, shes so DUMB"... the media hyped it up even more making the ACT seem that much more real.
Moranic sheeple. LOL. Come on - if you have MORANS calling a politician stupid... lol.... Palin is a genius - shes HOT #1, #2 is she knows how to act. It's the old good-cop bad cop routine. Make one politician look better by making the other look like a retard.. And Pailin played these sheep like a PLAYSTATION all during the fall of last year - MORANS! Shes the goddamed govenor of the state of Alaska!
Do you think she got that way by being an Ewok? No fools - it's how every sheep thinks their BOSS or the owner of the company is the biggest IDIOT in the building. NO MORANS he's the genius - you work hard to prove that you're smarter than your 'idiot boss'...
Then you had McCain - I jut LOVE how he pretended to be an old, out of touch, awkward man, with Alzheimer.... HA!
You had all the sheep going, hes so OLD and SLOW, and DETACHED.... Let me tell you something McCain is a SHARP AS A TACK intellectually - Watch several of his interviews AFTER he 'lost' the election. The one he did on the Letterman show sticks out in my mind. He did it a few days after Obama win the election. In the interview he has the SLIEST SMILE/SMIRK of his face... as if he had just got done tricking a mass of cattle to herd into a meat processing plant. He sat their as poised as can be, ruthless and grinning and he talked to letterman with more confidence that you ever would have seen him exhibit during the campaign show -- after all it was all over now. He made several jokes as if to say "i dint give a fuck" about losing the election - then he would revert back into the "pathetic old man" Mccain when asked about the election specifically.... You fools, they turn this charade on and off like a light switch. They go from stupid, bumbling politician, to YOU BETTER DO AS I TELL YOU politician, and then back to the meek "I'm sorry - I have failed you" politician that we saw from Bush as he left the whitehouse ---- AND YOU FOOLS FALL FOR IT EVERY TIME!!!
Bush, Mccain, and Obama are probably partying right now in that new PIMP-RIDE they got just marveling on how EASY it all was!!
I want to tell you morans something.
If you remember, and think back, when bush first came to office before 9.11 in 2001 he pretended to be VERY compassionate, sensitive, meek, diplomatic and all the other words for a fuzzy, soft politician -- then he immediately switched to the genus highly AUTHORITATIVE/ORDER GIVING bush that we knew post 9/11. I thought this was BRILLIANT because the effect a person is more than doubled when they think you are SOFT -- and then you suddenly turn HARD. This is good cop/bad cop again. The good cop allows the suspect to RELAX and LISTEN.. to open up... The bad cop then enters the room and BARKS questions - more suggestion is therefor injected into a person whose guard is down. This is exactly what happened after 9/11. The American people were caught off guard by bushes sudden commands and demands of them - and that's what made it all the more effective.
If the politician is too hard from the get-go people will become cynical and not be open to suggestion - like towards the end of bushes last term in office - the people have grown cynical to hear "the decider" bark at them - their mental and emotional guard is up.
But looky here! Now the sheeples guard is COMPLETELY DOWN!!! In fact they have their pants down and their asses bent up in the air. They simply LOVE their gentle, loving, caring, god, obama... just imagine how open these cattle will be to the shock when it comes. Just imagine how high they will JUMP when obama gives the word.
I remember hearing morans going "bush is ruining the country! - he's such an idiot!" - No bitch - YOU'RE the IDIOT and he's making the country BETTER!
Its the same old game since NIXON. It works like this:
1) Come in as the CHANGER
2) Shake shit up
3) go out as the "man who made mistakes" and has "regrets"
Nixon went out with a scandal - by doing this the next president is made to look better, like the hero, like the savior... who was Ford... who also went out with a scandal ..then Carter came in to save the day as the hero...but alas carter "fucked up" and then Regan was the new hero, but then regan "fucked up" and Bush 1 came to the rescue....
If you MORANS remember 1990 - it was CLINTON who ran on the same exact slogan as obama - CHANGE - you morans simply cant remember can you - i remember as clear as day - Clinton and his supporters wanted CHANGE, a new YOUNG, handsome president to "CHANGE" the old withering white man fucking up the country regime that had been going on for a while.
So how did the sheep end up with bush 2?
IT WAS A GODDAMED PUPPET SHOW CIRCUS and ALL of the the sheep fell for it! Are you MORANS?? seriously are you all MORANS!! Do you think the goddamed head of the free world would ever allow a REAL scandal about him to leak to the press that they control? This is why you morans couldnt figure out why Hillary 'still stayed with her cheating husband' -- CAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED MORANS!!! It's like when people always ask "how come Magic Johnson's wife DOESNT have AIDS" --- BITCH BECAUSE HE'S GAY!!!
Look in those SWEET eyes of his!!
He likes to pack-fudge. GET A BRAIN MORANS [go usa].
Here's another pic in case you cant see the SWEETNESS:
Use your brains [morans] Magic johnsons wife never got AIDS cause he wasnt fucking her! Hillary clinton never left her husband after being publicly embarrased because IT NEVER HAPPENED TO BEGIN WITH!!
What the scandal DID do was make clinton look like an ASS-CLOWN so that there would be an excuse for a "change" and a hero - and that person was BUSH JR. (who like all before him are political geniuses!)
Now Jr. is the shamed one -- a botched war (oops), a bad economy (oops), 4000+ dead in Iraq (oops) ... call in a new God to take the cattles mind of the fact that they have been more and more contained in the past 15 years than ever before.
One day very soon all these MORANS are going to be culled. The will be given a flat, and there will be one style of car to chose from - it shall come in 3 colors Black, Navy blue, and Grey.... food shall be delivered by Family Services in a cardboard BOX 2 times daily. Water, chocolate, and razor blades will all be rationed - just like in 1984. You will need a TICKET to leave your magnetic POD and you will be tethered to the Gamma Knife Computer and constantly watched by prisoners on LUNA. In fact those are the people that will make up the entire visual surveillance grid - prisoners.
Here in philly they have already started practice for such a thing - it's called the philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) there are thousands of these meter maids roaming, ticketing and towing like something out of Demolition Man. When they first appeared on the streets in force, everyone thought - where the hell did they get so many meter maids form. Answer? The Prison Colonies - the junkies in prison as part of their parole are assigned a job with the PPA to administer fines. The system is a success. The Lunar Surveillance Network will be set up in the same fashion. If you deviate from the law - you will become the law (in one form or the other).
People like FURK will be plugged into a spy camera in somewhere in Tycho as apposed to making license plates.
It's almost the 23rd - Will Powell's warning come true??
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