NOTE!!! There is PROBLEM with this book. The second half of the book is complete BULLSHIT - the author begins to advocate BORROWING and using loans. Ignore this second part. I would hope most of you would have the brains [moran] to figure that out, but still.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Letter from Wesley Casteleyn
"Dear Mr. Hives
I was wondering...Do you not feel isolated? If not physically, then surely mentally. I am finding it most difficult to go out there and be amongst the sheep. There is noone that I know off that WANTS to contemplate on things like myself. Yet, I have to go outside and deal with these sheeple. I hear them ramble about all their sheepy stuff and I wonder why I even deal with them at all. They are only good to be 'exploited'.
Then I look at the big picture. This society we have, one big joke, a game, it's fucking monopoly irl. Could you be satisfied with just being a participant? Granted you know the rules, unlike the brainless sheeple. But still, are you content with living your life in this hive...I mean, if I was to exploit the sheeple, make my living of them. I would
1) have to deal with them
2) be depended on them...
Every time you have a contact with sheeple, they are influencing you... Like it or not, you can not escape this. I see it as poison, they poison my mind with stupid shit I do not want to hear!
But, man is not a solitary creature. We are made to band...It is like it is in nature, Two things come together to form a third, higher structure. So, by choosing this road I am on, I will most likely end up isolated. The flip side of the coin? - WC"
This is a good letter. The short answer is YES you will be isolated. But don't let that discourage you. What I mean by that is, would you actually WANT to be surrounded by sheep? This is just the way it goes. An employer doesn't hang out with his employees - the reason why is because he is on a different level that his subjects, so you won't find him with the herd after work at the TGI Fridays drinking $2 beers and eating jalapeno poppers - in fact you're unlikely to run into him at all... ever... Even if you live in a small town, it is unlikely the employee will ever run into the boss... even at seemingly innocuous places like the grocery store.. again the two parties exist on different planes.
Likewise the same is true with the elite... beginning with your local MAYOR. Do you ever run into him? Do you see him on the highway sitting in traffic, or at the newspaper stand getting a stick of gum, or at happy hour at the bar on Friday afternoon? No - you do not because he is disinterested in what his ASSETS are doing. Same goes for the military... will you see a General rubbing elbows with a private? Of course you wont - again same principle - one is a PIMP the other is a HOE. The pimp doesn't associate with the hoe except to EXPLOIT her. Indeed any contact the pimp has with the hoe will have a direct exploitative motive behind it. This is why the pimp calls meetings/press conferences time and again - to exploit by showing 'he can relate' to the herd, yet you wont find him 'hanging out' with the herd....
Remember - PIMP or HOE.. no other way. Red pill or blue pill... there is no other pill. Those who took the truth pill found themselves ISOLATED outside of the matrix. It is simply what happens when you seek the truth - you join the minority.
The sheep don't poison me.. at all... so they shouldn't be poisoning your mind either. In order to poison ones mind they would have to be more intelligent that you are - which they are not. So I see sheep as just slaves. They are a source of cheap labor because they are addicted to buying things. And of course they 'buy' things by getting into debt. Think of it... look out your door at the average person walking buy... they are addicted to buying useless crap and liabilities which require more crap to maintain them. A person goes out a buys a car which requires constant payments, which requires they get a job, which requires they go to school, then they buy a house which requires constant maintenance and upgrades, they NEED to get the new furniture, X-box, vertical blinds, the new rims, the new tims, the new this, new that, upgrade this, repair that.
Their addiction to usless things is what makes your money powerful. If you want to see the POWER of money just hire someone to do a job for you. You may not think someone would be willing ot break their back for you, but when you consider how addicted the sheep is to MONEY (as apposed to WEALTH or REALITY) he will gladly do whatever you say.... a source of cheap labor.
That's what I see them as
That's what the elite see them as
That's what the boss at work sees his employees as
That's what the mayor sees his citizens as
That's what the General sees his privates as
So to feel isolated from the pack animals is very illogical if you know their purpose.
To satisfy your need to 'band together' as you put it, simply seek out others like you. Politicians are like you, business owners and hustlers are like you, commissioned officers (as opposed to NCO's) in the military are like you...
SWFQWs pointed out that society is split into two groups the DOCILE (hoes) and the POLITICAL (pimps).. here's the quote:
"Thus, a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts, a docile sub-nation and a political sub-nation. The political sub-nation remains attached to the docile sub-nation, tolerates it, and leaches its substance until it grows strong enough to detach itself and then devour its parent."
In the book 1984, which was written by an agent, was simply metaphysics - or drawing, like hollywood, what was PLANNED.. the authors real name as you know was Blair (like elitist Tony Blair) -- anyway 1984 demonstrated this principle through the INNER PARTY and the OUTER PARTY.
The inner party exploited the outer party (Winston's party). A third party called the proles also existed, but they were at the level of SUB-ORC and didn't even need to be controlled. While there are certainly many sub-orcs in society today, the majority of those I call sheeple would be in the OUTER PARTY if it was 1984... that is to say, they are stupid, but not 100% mindless. (perhaps 99.9%) - still that .1% if the part of their intelligence open to suggestion from their exploiters - the INNER PARTY or politicians, bosses, army generals, pimps, etc...
Indeed an animal that is completely stupid, is therefore completely useless. Even a cow has to have enough brain power to know to MOVE forward when his ass is cattle-whipped.
Your personal feelings of isolation however may be stemming form your unwillingness to EXPLOIT those whom you no longer consider to be HUMAN. Go back and re-watch the NEMESIS film "PIMPS AND HOES". I suspect you are lingering on the fence of these two poles and are therefore questioning the meaning of your existence. Start practicing way of exploiting them. Figure out something to sell to them. Create a business and hire them to do the work for you. Experiment - TRY THINGS OUT! Don't be afraid to fail:
"The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, and especially in delegating those personal responsibilities to others where success is uncertain or carries possible or created liabilities (law) which the person is not prepared to accept."
I can personally verify that this is true. People are afraid to control their destinies because they are afraid to take responsibility... in other words "take the heat" from potential clients and customers. The second part is also important " and especially in delegating those personal responsibilities to others where success is uncertain or carries possible or created liabilities (law) which the person is not prepared to accept." ... what that means is people are afraid to HIRE (ie EXPLOIT!) SHEEPLE to do the work for them. I know many people who have businesses (I must note that business simply means your its selling drugs, mowing lawns, walking dogs, or making pizza - it is whatever YOU create and sell to sheep. A "COMPANY" simply means you have 'other people working for you' - both are businesses, but a business is not a company. HOWEVER what is important is that you have some sort of BUSINESS, even if it is selling crap on Ebay -- i digress...) I know many people who have businesses that are AFRAID to hire HELP. This is the downfall of the sheep - they do not trust THEMSELVES and the power of money. I know people who walk dogs, but refuse to hire a migrant mexican to do it for them... or people that run coffee shops and run the counter themselves. Don't get me wrong - doing things yourself is fine - but once you recognize you recognize that whatever it is you are selling is in demand it behooves you not to hire someone to at least HELP do it for you. People often go: well I don't know if they can do it as good as I can. NO! Let the MONEY motovate your slave! Watch! It's like magic! And I must quote a line from the classic book "Rich dad / poor dad": "SMART PEOPLE HIRE PEOPLE SMARTER THAN THEY ARE!". Do you think Bill Gates is the smartest soft ware designer? Or do you think he knows how to HIRE the SMARTEST software designers out there.
So to sum this all up Wesley - I think you are on the fence. You are staring at a pen of sled-dogs just waiting to take you to your next destination -- all you have to do is give up that scooby-snack dollar bill in your pocket. I think if you do so, you won't feel so isolated.
I was wondering...Do you not feel isolated? If not physically, then surely mentally. I am finding it most difficult to go out there and be amongst the sheep. There is noone that I know off that WANTS to contemplate on things like myself. Yet, I have to go outside and deal with these sheeple. I hear them ramble about all their sheepy stuff and I wonder why I even deal with them at all. They are only good to be 'exploited'.
Then I look at the big picture. This society we have, one big joke, a game, it's fucking monopoly irl. Could you be satisfied with just being a participant? Granted you know the rules, unlike the brainless sheeple. But still, are you content with living your life in this hive...I mean, if I was to exploit the sheeple, make my living of them. I would
1) have to deal with them
2) be depended on them...
Every time you have a contact with sheeple, they are influencing you... Like it or not, you can not escape this. I see it as poison, they poison my mind with stupid shit I do not want to hear!
But, man is not a solitary creature. We are made to band...It is like it is in nature, Two things come together to form a third, higher structure. So, by choosing this road I am on, I will most likely end up isolated. The flip side of the coin? - WC"
This is a good letter. The short answer is YES you will be isolated. But don't let that discourage you. What I mean by that is, would you actually WANT to be surrounded by sheep? This is just the way it goes. An employer doesn't hang out with his employees - the reason why is because he is on a different level that his subjects, so you won't find him with the herd after work at the TGI Fridays drinking $2 beers and eating jalapeno poppers - in fact you're unlikely to run into him at all... ever... Even if you live in a small town, it is unlikely the employee will ever run into the boss... even at seemingly innocuous places like the grocery store.. again the two parties exist on different planes.
Likewise the same is true with the elite... beginning with your local MAYOR. Do you ever run into him? Do you see him on the highway sitting in traffic, or at the newspaper stand getting a stick of gum, or at happy hour at the bar on Friday afternoon? No - you do not because he is disinterested in what his ASSETS are doing. Same goes for the military... will you see a General rubbing elbows with a private? Of course you wont - again same principle - one is a PIMP the other is a HOE. The pimp doesn't associate with the hoe except to EXPLOIT her. Indeed any contact the pimp has with the hoe will have a direct exploitative motive behind it. This is why the pimp calls meetings/press conferences time and again - to exploit by showing 'he can relate' to the herd, yet you wont find him 'hanging out' with the herd....
Remember - PIMP or HOE.. no other way. Red pill or blue pill... there is no other pill. Those who took the truth pill found themselves ISOLATED outside of the matrix. It is simply what happens when you seek the truth - you join the minority.
The sheep don't poison me.. at all... so they shouldn't be poisoning your mind either. In order to poison ones mind they would have to be more intelligent that you are - which they are not. So I see sheep as just slaves. They are a source of cheap labor because they are addicted to buying things. And of course they 'buy' things by getting into debt. Think of it... look out your door at the average person walking buy... they are addicted to buying useless crap and liabilities which require more crap to maintain them. A person goes out a buys a car which requires constant payments, which requires they get a job, which requires they go to school, then they buy a house which requires constant maintenance and upgrades, they NEED to get the new furniture, X-box, vertical blinds, the new rims, the new tims, the new this, new that, upgrade this, repair that.
Their addiction to usless things is what makes your money powerful. If you want to see the POWER of money just hire someone to do a job for you. You may not think someone would be willing ot break their back for you, but when you consider how addicted the sheep is to MONEY (as apposed to WEALTH or REALITY) he will gladly do whatever you say.... a source of cheap labor.
That's what I see them as
That's what the elite see them as
That's what the boss at work sees his employees as
That's what the mayor sees his citizens as
That's what the General sees his privates as
So to feel isolated from the pack animals is very illogical if you know their purpose.
To satisfy your need to 'band together' as you put it, simply seek out others like you. Politicians are like you, business owners and hustlers are like you, commissioned officers (as opposed to NCO's) in the military are like you...
SWFQWs pointed out that society is split into two groups the DOCILE (hoes) and the POLITICAL (pimps).. here's the quote:
"Thus, a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts, a docile sub-nation and a political sub-nation. The political sub-nation remains attached to the docile sub-nation, tolerates it, and leaches its substance until it grows strong enough to detach itself and then devour its parent."
In the book 1984, which was written by an agent, was simply metaphysics - or drawing, like hollywood, what was PLANNED.. the authors real name as you know was Blair (like elitist Tony Blair) -- anyway 1984 demonstrated this principle through the INNER PARTY and the OUTER PARTY.
The inner party exploited the outer party (Winston's party). A third party called the proles also existed, but they were at the level of SUB-ORC and didn't even need to be controlled. While there are certainly many sub-orcs in society today, the majority of those I call sheeple would be in the OUTER PARTY if it was 1984... that is to say, they are stupid, but not 100% mindless. (perhaps 99.9%) - still that .1% if the part of their intelligence open to suggestion from their exploiters - the INNER PARTY or politicians, bosses, army generals, pimps, etc...
Indeed an animal that is completely stupid, is therefore completely useless. Even a cow has to have enough brain power to know to MOVE forward when his ass is cattle-whipped.
Your personal feelings of isolation however may be stemming form your unwillingness to EXPLOIT those whom you no longer consider to be HUMAN. Go back and re-watch the NEMESIS film "PIMPS AND HOES". I suspect you are lingering on the fence of these two poles and are therefore questioning the meaning of your existence. Start practicing way of exploiting them. Figure out something to sell to them. Create a business and hire them to do the work for you. Experiment - TRY THINGS OUT! Don't be afraid to fail:
"The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, and especially in delegating those personal responsibilities to others where success is uncertain or carries possible or created liabilities (law) which the person is not prepared to accept."
I can personally verify that this is true. People are afraid to control their destinies because they are afraid to take responsibility... in other words "take the heat" from potential clients and customers. The second part is also important " and especially in delegating those personal responsibilities to others where success is uncertain or carries possible or created liabilities (law) which the person is not prepared to accept." ... what that means is people are afraid to HIRE (ie EXPLOIT!) SHEEPLE to do the work for them. I know many people who have businesses (I must note that business simply means your its selling drugs, mowing lawns, walking dogs, or making pizza - it is whatever YOU create and sell to sheep. A "COMPANY" simply means you have 'other people working for you' - both are businesses, but a business is not a company. HOWEVER what is important is that you have some sort of BUSINESS, even if it is selling crap on Ebay -- i digress...) I know many people who have businesses that are AFRAID to hire HELP. This is the downfall of the sheep - they do not trust THEMSELVES and the power of money. I know people who walk dogs, but refuse to hire a migrant mexican to do it for them... or people that run coffee shops and run the counter themselves. Don't get me wrong - doing things yourself is fine - but once you recognize you recognize that whatever it is you are selling is in demand it behooves you not to hire someone to at least HELP do it for you. People often go: well I don't know if they can do it as good as I can. NO! Let the MONEY motovate your slave! Watch! It's like magic! And I must quote a line from the classic book "Rich dad / poor dad": "SMART PEOPLE HIRE PEOPLE SMARTER THAN THEY ARE!". Do you think Bill Gates is the smartest soft ware designer? Or do you think he knows how to HIRE the SMARTEST software designers out there.
So to sum this all up Wesley - I think you are on the fence. You are staring at a pen of sled-dogs just waiting to take you to your next destination -- all you have to do is give up that scooby-snack dollar bill in your pocket. I think if you do so, you won't feel so isolated.
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