This is the ORIGINAL version - banned from youtube.

Note, the synchronization is off -- deal with it.

FIXED: ORIGINAL VERSION OF POWER TO THE SHEEPLE - youtube censored the music.....


This is the ORIGINAL version of the Moon-Watcher which was previously REMOVED by youtube - this version contains the ORIGINAL MUSIC.

NOW PLAYING - - - The Latest NEMESIS film: "DAN"

"Watching this video was like being forced to take a dump into the mouth of a loved one, while eating out a crab infested crack whore who just gave birth, all the while having hot coffee slow dripped onto my testicles." --- Turk


"The power of human population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race. The vices of mankind are active and able ministers of depopulation. They are the precursors in the great army of destruction, and often finish the dreadful work themselves. But should they fail in this war of extermination, sickly seasons, epidemics, pestilence, and plague advance in terrific array, and sweep off their thousands and tens of thousands. Should success be still incomplete, gigantic inevitable famine stalks in the rear, and with one mighty blow levels the population with the food of the world." --- Malthus



"Degrees are, after all, easy to come by - you have only to memorize" --- Esther Vilar

"Why are people so dumb?? i will never again in my life get a credit card or take out any type of loan!!! i havent for over 3 years and i never will!!! hives is correct, you cannont get ahead by borrowing,,,you just wind up in debt all your life,,so all the money you make,,goes to your debt,,which means you cant spend your money on simple things that you want or need,, and the funniest part about this whole scam is the fact that your average moran (which is almost everybody) will go get into more debt as soon as they pay one debt off!!!! FUCKING RETARDS, short bus riding too many chromozone having mongoids!!!

hears a suggestion,,pay off all your debt,,and never EVER again borrow money,,,if you dont have the money to buy what you want ,,then save it up,,its as easy as 123, ABC, its really that simple,,,,oh but NOOOOO,,i got to have that new chrysler 300 with 3000 dollar rims and tinted windows and a 2000 dollar stereo system,,,so i can be in debt for the next 5 years and probly go to jail numerous times cause i look like a mark.

guess what dipshits,,,if the bank refuses to loan you money for whatever reason,,take it as a blessing in disguise,,now go take your money and safe it like any normal responsable person would do,,then buy your wants,,that way your not in fucking debt,,,,OMG its so easy it actually makes sense" -- titsnass

"Help YOURSELF or KILL yourself" --Hidden-Hand

"Alex Jones is like the best friend that the bitch runs to after her pimp fucked her, and complains about how terrible he treats her. The best friend will never do anything about it and the bitch will never quit the pimp she is addicted too." -- TheGreySpirit

"Behold the disenfranchised white male with no real power. now he knows how it feels to be black, so his only options are to find himself a preacher and sing slave songs about 401Ks, foreclosures, cubicles and baldness" -- SlalomHO

"People flock to leaders because they take no responsibility for their own protection.

In the case of the Occultation:

The ancients asked why, instead of asking how!

Why: implies knowledge coming from authority.

How: implies knowledge coming from experience.

If they looked up and asked how like the Watchers, they would know. Instead they asked why like the Joneses, and followed the ones who knew how.

Alex Jones will never tell you HOW 911 really happened, just WHY. The reason is when you look for HOW, why becomes less important.

Sheeple ask why, why is always answered with "because of ______ that is HOW it works."

Therefore by this method of inquiry, you will never know the cause, only the desired effect.

Example #1:

Say you were a tribal islander and suddenly your friends head exploded because an invader pointed a gun at him and shot him.

You only have seconds to react.

You could chose EMOTION and you could ask WHY did the sun god come from the water and strike my friend with fire from his hand?

This causes you to try to reason with the invader as if he is your god. He then takes you on a slave ship to be worked to death like the horse he shot last week.


OR, You could try chosing LOGIC and you could ask HOW, causing you to wrestle the gun away from the invader thus saving your life.

Example #2:

You are in Debt in America.

You only have months to react before the creditors foreclose.

You could ask WHY am I in this mess, leading you to Watch the Moneymasters and Zietgiest and become a protester ranting about the current economic crisis. Later you are targeted as a dissenter and also hauled into jail with all freedoms being removed from you.

You could chose EMOTION and you could ask WHY, causing you to try to reason with the government.


Or you could choose LOGIC and ask, HOW did I get this way? This would lead you to realize that if everyone borrows then the government needs more IOU's. More IOU's means more money is printed thus reducing its value. As logic will clearly tell you, if you are in debt you are worth less than ZERO because your net worth is negative, and must repay the debt at all costs. You then take responsibility and clear the debt.

Example #3:

The earth is losing the ability to support life due to a rapidly growing population that relies on convienience and technology at the cost of resources and environmental stability with a heavy dependence on foreign oil.

You only have a few years to react.

You could choose the EMOTIONAL question and ask WHY, can't the earth support more life? This leads you to green technology, clean coal, and the organic movement. You create technology and advertizements to save the earth similar to the ones you used to try to save your dead mother from breast cancer.

Now every one wears a green ribbon and pledges to recycle and reuse, but nobody stops fucking. Pretty soon the planet has even more people than recycling will help.

Recycling and Reusing is about as effective as rinsing a plate. When the food is gone, the plate no longer matters. The people no longer can eat because there is not enough food. The people begin to compete for resources in the final WORLD WAR. Nukes are launched on land that no longer supports life anyways. Everyone dies.


OR, you could chose LOGIC and deal with the CAUSE of the problem, in this case the people themselves.

You put poisons in the food, air and water so that people die and only the strong survive by natural selection. You use mind control like 911 to put people to war right away, when the stakes are lower so that the battles never escalate beyond reasonable means. You also use the tragedy to jumpstart the LIFEKILL statistics. You fight in the desert, tundra, and jungle because you want to keep the farmland valuable. You also use this war so that the heads of state profit from the resources aquired ensuring the survival of the elite over the masses because the elite are your friends and the masses are not.

By picking LOGIC you dominate. By picking EMOTION you are subject to the rule of others.

Example #1

Logic = Survival

You survived because you isolated the cause and killed the invader. You took responsibility for your own life.

Emotion = Death

You were ruled by FEAR and saw the man (the invader) as being your superior. You gave the man ownership of your life by refusing to act to save it.

Example #2

Logic = Survival

You survived because you isolated the cause and eliminated the debt. You took responsibility for your own life.

Emotion = Death

You were ruled by FEAR and saw the man (the party owed) as being your superior. You gave the man ownership of your life by refusing to act to save it.

Example #3

Logic = Survival

You survived because you isolated the cause and killed the sheeple. You took responsibility for your own life.

Emotion = Death

You were ruled by FEAR and saw man (the sheeple) as being your superior. You gave man ownership of your life by refusing to act to save it.

Example #4:

The Occultation:

Through fear man gave responsibility for the course of their lives over to city-states of organized religious and concentrated political power instead of choosing to live in small self-reliant communities observing and coexisting in harmony with the science of nature."


"If man believes in Sun-eating snakes, virgin mothers, elephant headed Gods with 6 arms, 'miracles', and other loony bullshit. Is he NOT detriment to humanity and completly delusional? If you believe in fairy tales, how could you EVER be fit to deal with REAL 'Earthly' problems? And since a person like this CHOOSES to be delusional by believing in religion instead of FACING REALITY. Does he not diserve SLAVERY and confienment to protect the rest of humanity from his nonsensities?" --- smithxcx

THE PLANET IS JUST A FUCKING COMPUTER. I know the reason why the process works. The human brain is simply an electrical system. Replace neurons with transistors and you have the working model for a neural network.

I worked with computers alot when I was working at a call center, so I understand how it relates to the brain.

The practice of manipulation by psychology is really more like computer programming. Psychology really amounts to source-code for human brains and operating strings of data written to them.

MK-Ultra found that under the influence of certain chemicals, neuro-transmitters could be interrupted and the human brain could be hacked with data thrown directly into the subconscious.

Effectively this hacks the brain by removing the Ego and leaves just the hardware. This is the computer equivalent of rebooting windows and re-writing another operating system to the drive directly. They then Install a personality, which is just like installing another operating system to a dual-boot configuration.

However, open ended programs exist in the media. Tv commercials and the news are really just trojans and worms. They leave strings of data that self organize into programs via packets of data like "cool people smoke.", "Credit is free money", "I can make money flipping houses" and "Tight pants and sunglasses are cool." The output turns into Hipsters and the housing boom.

They already have had this since Bernays and understood it fully after World War 2. IBM was largely involved in computing and the concentration camps were really the largest group study ever performed on captive human beings.

Replace the phrase 'concentration camps' with 'experimental group' and you will realize the power and scope of the research actually taking place on all sides of the wars since.

If you think of the entire planet as a computer this becomes all the more apparent. Every time we make a technological leap forward in computing we must test our findings against the human mind to adjust the throughput of our societal matrix. The population was increasing at one time to increase the power of the Democracy program, I.E. Mob Rule requires mobs. However this paradigm has reached the limits of thermodynamics or the carrying capacity of the planet. We also do not have a heat sink to combat global warming.

Therefore we must track all of the packets of data effectively and remove the malfunctioning clusters or to scan and defragment the drive, which is the available resources.

Therefore to scan the data we will institute RFIDs to map the planets architecture and then institute LIFEKILL to wipe the clusters of anomalous data and clear space in valuable sectors.

It's not computer science, just common sense.

When you know HOW -- "why" becomes less important." -- The Honorabe ZERO

"If you take a bale of hay and tie it to the tail of a mule and then strike a match and set the bale of hay on fire, and if you then compare the energy expended shortly thereafter by the mule with the energy expended by yourself in the striking of the match, you will understand the concept of amplification." -- William Shockley (Inventor of the transistor)





THANX " -- GunterKoss

Rich dad poor dad -- CLICK LINK
SPECIAL E-BOOK "rich dad, poor dad"

If you like NEMESIS videos, you'll LOVE the e-book rich dad, poor dad. If you liked "The manipulated man" then you'll like this too.


HARSH, HARD, BLUNT truths!!!

Since I know you morans don't trust me, I've listed some of the chapters to entice you:

Chapter 2: The Rich Don’t Work for Money

Chapter 6: The Rich Invent Money

Chapter 7: Work to Learn, Don’t Work for Money

READ THE BOOK. You will love it. The author explains how his 'rich dad' viewed his employees as CATTLE who mistakenly believed they were ENTITLED to things they did not EARN. He used this delusion in the sheep to EXPLOIT them for their slave labor.

He bluntly explains that the rich DO NOT WORK - others work for them. He goes into detail about how going to school and getting a 'good job' is just SLAVERY and the rich DO NOT DO IT THIS WAY.

Classic book, some of you may heave read it already.

An especially good book for you young ones out there always asking me "what type of job/field should I get into so I wont end up a sheep"

NOTE!!! There is PROBLEM with this book. The second half of the book is complete BULLSHIT - the author begins to advocate BORROWING and using loans. Ignore this second part. I would hope most of you would have the brains [moran] to figure that out, but still.


No, this is NOT fake. There is now for sale an 'infowars', club-infowarrior cadet, vice-scout, level 3, arch-cleric, wool knit BEANIE CAP!! Wear your beanie caps infowariors! Fight the good fight against that government boogie man that made you take out your 300k mortgage and your $120k in student loans. MORANS! Jones is officially a genius for getting these MORANS to buy a benie-cap! Beanie caps for beanie-brains! ... LOL!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Letter from Joe

"nemesis prediction might becoming true. word on the street obama is in a secret meeting to deal with bank failures. bank will be nationalize. during this period, credit will be frozen.
-- Joe"

The more likely scenario to set this financial crisis off is the classic "calling in of all loans" scenario.

Most people don't realize that whenever you take out a loan the bank can call back or DEMAND that you pay them the FULL AMOUNT (ie prinicpal) at ANYTIME. The supposed logic behind this is that since you have the money, you should be able to give it back OR sell whatever you bought with the money and repay the loan. For instance if a bank lends you $100 and you buy a new TV, you should be able to sell that TV for $100 if the banks then demand their money back. Anyway the important thing to remember is that ALWAYS in the fine print of a loan, there is a clause that states that the bank can demand repayment in full at ANYTIME.

This is exactly what bought on the great depression/stock market crash. The banks simply 'called in the loans' or said "pay us back our money we lent you". But the herds of sheep SPENT all their borrowed money on stocks. Ok, you say, what's the big deal, just sell the stock for what you paid for it and you'll instantly have the money to repay the banks... BUT - what happens when everyone suddenly starts SELLING (dumping) in a certain market? THE PRICE PLUMMETS!!! This is what happened:

- The sheep borrowed $100 from a bank
- The sheep bought $100 worth of stock
- The bank called in all loans
- The sheep went to sell his stock to get his $100 back
- Since EVERY OTHER SHEEP was SELLING as well the stock price crashed! ..Now he could only get $5 back from his sales.

That's the game.

That's hwo calling in a loan works. And that may very well happen SOON. The masses already know the economy is in trouble, and the BANKS are in trouble. What better way to avoid a bank falure (in the eyes of the masses) than to CALL IN ALL LOANS to keep the banks from failing. Suddenly Joe Yuppie will need to pay back his $300k house note! Since he already SPENT his borrowed $300k on a house, he will be forced to sell it in an effort to get the meney back. But since EVERYONE ELSE IN THE COUNTRY will be selling their house also, it will create a massive FLOOD on the market which will guarantee the price CRASHES!

Again, this was explained in the LIFEKILL series: Imagine if it RAINED GOLD TOMMOROW - gold would suddenly be WORTHLESS! A market flooded with desperate house sellers would likewise make houses worthless too. This is HISTORY, this is what happened in 1929 and this is what's likely to happen this year. In fact there have already been hints towards this...

For instance credit is no longer being offered to "businesses" (I put business in quoty marks because if you borrow to start your business you don't have a business, you have a DEBT!) ... anyway businesses are no longer being extended credit. This creates the idea that banks NEED money badly. How can banks get money if the need it so badly? Well they would do like ANYONE who is OWED MONEY... THEY WILL COLLECT!!!

You see fools, everything is being set up to where the "unthinkable" (or unprecedented as Obama puts it) has to happen: ROCKY has to collect from Del Rio! Mr. Gazzo wants his money back -- NOW!

What MORANS like Mr. Money masters never tell you is that the crash of 1929 was made possible ONLY by banks doing what their borrowers AGREED TO: That at ANYTIME THE BANKS COULD CALL IN THEIR LOANS!!! Oh yes fools - Zeitgeist FORGOT to mention that didn't they!

Mr. Gazzo (Right) is the LOAN SHARK. Rocky (Left, morans) is the "LEG BREAKER" or BILL COLLECTOR or REPO-MAN... and Mr. Yuppie McMansion is gonna be the masses of sheeple forces to sell at a discount in a few weeks....

You see there must be a PRETEXT for drastic action (calling in loans) and that pretext is simply that everyone might go broke if the banks fail, UNLESS the borrowers pay what is owed... seemingly to replenish the banks reserves and allow money for lending again...

Its simple bitches:

The banks have no money to lend people
The banks DEMAND that money owed to them be repaid immediately
Now the banks can lend again

Whatever the outcome, you can be certain that that CRAZY NEMESIS talk about how BORROWING is what screw the sheep, will be proven LITERALLY right before your eyes.

Debt is also called LEVERAGE... the sheep think they have the leverage (DUM DA DUM, DUM!) when they borrow (look at me! I gotta $300K house ALL by using BANK LEVERAGE!! IM SO SMART) LOL!!! FAIL!!! watch what happens! No FOOLS, they call it LEVEREAGE because the BANK has it - fool.

SO watch and enjoy as the "difficult decision" is to call in all debt in an effort to replinish banks with the money they need to lend again (irony).

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