This is the ORIGINAL version - banned from youtube.

Note, the synchronization is off -- deal with it.

FIXED: ORIGINAL VERSION OF POWER TO THE SHEEPLE - youtube censored the music.....


This is the ORIGINAL version of the Moon-Watcher which was previously REMOVED by youtube - this version contains the ORIGINAL MUSIC.

NOW PLAYING - - - The Latest NEMESIS film: "DAN"

"Watching this video was like being forced to take a dump into the mouth of a loved one, while eating out a crab infested crack whore who just gave birth, all the while having hot coffee slow dripped onto my testicles." --- Turk


"The power of human population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race. The vices of mankind are active and able ministers of depopulation. They are the precursors in the great army of destruction, and often finish the dreadful work themselves. But should they fail in this war of extermination, sickly seasons, epidemics, pestilence, and plague advance in terrific array, and sweep off their thousands and tens of thousands. Should success be still incomplete, gigantic inevitable famine stalks in the rear, and with one mighty blow levels the population with the food of the world." --- Malthus



"Degrees are, after all, easy to come by - you have only to memorize" --- Esther Vilar

"Why are people so dumb?? i will never again in my life get a credit card or take out any type of loan!!! i havent for over 3 years and i never will!!! hives is correct, you cannont get ahead by borrowing,,,you just wind up in debt all your life,,so all the money you make,,goes to your debt,,which means you cant spend your money on simple things that you want or need,, and the funniest part about this whole scam is the fact that your average moran (which is almost everybody) will go get into more debt as soon as they pay one debt off!!!! FUCKING RETARDS, short bus riding too many chromozone having mongoids!!!

hears a suggestion,,pay off all your debt,,and never EVER again borrow money,,,if you dont have the money to buy what you want ,,then save it up,,its as easy as 123, ABC, its really that simple,,,,oh but NOOOOO,,i got to have that new chrysler 300 with 3000 dollar rims and tinted windows and a 2000 dollar stereo system,,,so i can be in debt for the next 5 years and probly go to jail numerous times cause i look like a mark.

guess what dipshits,,,if the bank refuses to loan you money for whatever reason,,take it as a blessing in disguise,,now go take your money and safe it like any normal responsable person would do,,then buy your wants,,that way your not in fucking debt,,,,OMG its so easy it actually makes sense" -- titsnass

"Help YOURSELF or KILL yourself" --Hidden-Hand

"Alex Jones is like the best friend that the bitch runs to after her pimp fucked her, and complains about how terrible he treats her. The best friend will never do anything about it and the bitch will never quit the pimp she is addicted too." -- TheGreySpirit

"Behold the disenfranchised white male with no real power. now he knows how it feels to be black, so his only options are to find himself a preacher and sing slave songs about 401Ks, foreclosures, cubicles and baldness" -- SlalomHO

"People flock to leaders because they take no responsibility for their own protection.

In the case of the Occultation:

The ancients asked why, instead of asking how!

Why: implies knowledge coming from authority.

How: implies knowledge coming from experience.

If they looked up and asked how like the Watchers, they would know. Instead they asked why like the Joneses, and followed the ones who knew how.

Alex Jones will never tell you HOW 911 really happened, just WHY. The reason is when you look for HOW, why becomes less important.

Sheeple ask why, why is always answered with "because of ______ that is HOW it works."

Therefore by this method of inquiry, you will never know the cause, only the desired effect.

Example #1:

Say you were a tribal islander and suddenly your friends head exploded because an invader pointed a gun at him and shot him.

You only have seconds to react.

You could chose EMOTION and you could ask WHY did the sun god come from the water and strike my friend with fire from his hand?

This causes you to try to reason with the invader as if he is your god. He then takes you on a slave ship to be worked to death like the horse he shot last week.


OR, You could try chosing LOGIC and you could ask HOW, causing you to wrestle the gun away from the invader thus saving your life.

Example #2:

You are in Debt in America.

You only have months to react before the creditors foreclose.

You could ask WHY am I in this mess, leading you to Watch the Moneymasters and Zietgiest and become a protester ranting about the current economic crisis. Later you are targeted as a dissenter and also hauled into jail with all freedoms being removed from you.

You could chose EMOTION and you could ask WHY, causing you to try to reason with the government.


Or you could choose LOGIC and ask, HOW did I get this way? This would lead you to realize that if everyone borrows then the government needs more IOU's. More IOU's means more money is printed thus reducing its value. As logic will clearly tell you, if you are in debt you are worth less than ZERO because your net worth is negative, and must repay the debt at all costs. You then take responsibility and clear the debt.

Example #3:

The earth is losing the ability to support life due to a rapidly growing population that relies on convienience and technology at the cost of resources and environmental stability with a heavy dependence on foreign oil.

You only have a few years to react.

You could choose the EMOTIONAL question and ask WHY, can't the earth support more life? This leads you to green technology, clean coal, and the organic movement. You create technology and advertizements to save the earth similar to the ones you used to try to save your dead mother from breast cancer.

Now every one wears a green ribbon and pledges to recycle and reuse, but nobody stops fucking. Pretty soon the planet has even more people than recycling will help.

Recycling and Reusing is about as effective as rinsing a plate. When the food is gone, the plate no longer matters. The people no longer can eat because there is not enough food. The people begin to compete for resources in the final WORLD WAR. Nukes are launched on land that no longer supports life anyways. Everyone dies.


OR, you could chose LOGIC and deal with the CAUSE of the problem, in this case the people themselves.

You put poisons in the food, air and water so that people die and only the strong survive by natural selection. You use mind control like 911 to put people to war right away, when the stakes are lower so that the battles never escalate beyond reasonable means. You also use the tragedy to jumpstart the LIFEKILL statistics. You fight in the desert, tundra, and jungle because you want to keep the farmland valuable. You also use this war so that the heads of state profit from the resources aquired ensuring the survival of the elite over the masses because the elite are your friends and the masses are not.

By picking LOGIC you dominate. By picking EMOTION you are subject to the rule of others.

Example #1

Logic = Survival

You survived because you isolated the cause and killed the invader. You took responsibility for your own life.

Emotion = Death

You were ruled by FEAR and saw the man (the invader) as being your superior. You gave the man ownership of your life by refusing to act to save it.

Example #2

Logic = Survival

You survived because you isolated the cause and eliminated the debt. You took responsibility for your own life.

Emotion = Death

You were ruled by FEAR and saw the man (the party owed) as being your superior. You gave the man ownership of your life by refusing to act to save it.

Example #3

Logic = Survival

You survived because you isolated the cause and killed the sheeple. You took responsibility for your own life.

Emotion = Death

You were ruled by FEAR and saw man (the sheeple) as being your superior. You gave man ownership of your life by refusing to act to save it.

Example #4:

The Occultation:

Through fear man gave responsibility for the course of their lives over to city-states of organized religious and concentrated political power instead of choosing to live in small self-reliant communities observing and coexisting in harmony with the science of nature."


"If man believes in Sun-eating snakes, virgin mothers, elephant headed Gods with 6 arms, 'miracles', and other loony bullshit. Is he NOT detriment to humanity and completly delusional? If you believe in fairy tales, how could you EVER be fit to deal with REAL 'Earthly' problems? And since a person like this CHOOSES to be delusional by believing in religion instead of FACING REALITY. Does he not diserve SLAVERY and confienment to protect the rest of humanity from his nonsensities?" --- smithxcx

THE PLANET IS JUST A FUCKING COMPUTER. I know the reason why the process works. The human brain is simply an electrical system. Replace neurons with transistors and you have the working model for a neural network.

I worked with computers alot when I was working at a call center, so I understand how it relates to the brain.

The practice of manipulation by psychology is really more like computer programming. Psychology really amounts to source-code for human brains and operating strings of data written to them.

MK-Ultra found that under the influence of certain chemicals, neuro-transmitters could be interrupted and the human brain could be hacked with data thrown directly into the subconscious.

Effectively this hacks the brain by removing the Ego and leaves just the hardware. This is the computer equivalent of rebooting windows and re-writing another operating system to the drive directly. They then Install a personality, which is just like installing another operating system to a dual-boot configuration.

However, open ended programs exist in the media. Tv commercials and the news are really just trojans and worms. They leave strings of data that self organize into programs via packets of data like "cool people smoke.", "Credit is free money", "I can make money flipping houses" and "Tight pants and sunglasses are cool." The output turns into Hipsters and the housing boom.

They already have had this since Bernays and understood it fully after World War 2. IBM was largely involved in computing and the concentration camps were really the largest group study ever performed on captive human beings.

Replace the phrase 'concentration camps' with 'experimental group' and you will realize the power and scope of the research actually taking place on all sides of the wars since.

If you think of the entire planet as a computer this becomes all the more apparent. Every time we make a technological leap forward in computing we must test our findings against the human mind to adjust the throughput of our societal matrix. The population was increasing at one time to increase the power of the Democracy program, I.E. Mob Rule requires mobs. However this paradigm has reached the limits of thermodynamics or the carrying capacity of the planet. We also do not have a heat sink to combat global warming.

Therefore we must track all of the packets of data effectively and remove the malfunctioning clusters or to scan and defragment the drive, which is the available resources.

Therefore to scan the data we will institute RFIDs to map the planets architecture and then institute LIFEKILL to wipe the clusters of anomalous data and clear space in valuable sectors.

It's not computer science, just common sense.

When you know HOW -- "why" becomes less important." -- The Honorabe ZERO

"If you take a bale of hay and tie it to the tail of a mule and then strike a match and set the bale of hay on fire, and if you then compare the energy expended shortly thereafter by the mule with the energy expended by yourself in the striking of the match, you will understand the concept of amplification." -- William Shockley (Inventor of the transistor)





THANX " -- GunterKoss

Rich dad poor dad -- CLICK LINK
SPECIAL E-BOOK "rich dad, poor dad"

If you like NEMESIS videos, you'll LOVE the e-book rich dad, poor dad. If you liked "The manipulated man" then you'll like this too.


HARSH, HARD, BLUNT truths!!!

Since I know you morans don't trust me, I've listed some of the chapters to entice you:

Chapter 2: The Rich Don’t Work for Money

Chapter 6: The Rich Invent Money

Chapter 7: Work to Learn, Don’t Work for Money

READ THE BOOK. You will love it. The author explains how his 'rich dad' viewed his employees as CATTLE who mistakenly believed they were ENTITLED to things they did not EARN. He used this delusion in the sheep to EXPLOIT them for their slave labor.

He bluntly explains that the rich DO NOT WORK - others work for them. He goes into detail about how going to school and getting a 'good job' is just SLAVERY and the rich DO NOT DO IT THIS WAY.

Classic book, some of you may heave read it already.

An especially good book for you young ones out there always asking me "what type of job/field should I get into so I wont end up a sheep"

NOTE!!! There is PROBLEM with this book. The second half of the book is complete BULLSHIT - the author begins to advocate BORROWING and using loans. Ignore this second part. I would hope most of you would have the brains [moran] to figure that out, but still.


No, this is NOT fake. There is now for sale an 'infowars', club-infowarrior cadet, vice-scout, level 3, arch-cleric, wool knit BEANIE CAP!! Wear your beanie caps infowariors! Fight the good fight against that government boogie man that made you take out your 300k mortgage and your $120k in student loans. MORANS! Jones is officially a genius for getting these MORANS to buy a benie-cap! Beanie caps for beanie-brains! ... LOL!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Coming to philly? Planning a visit? Wanna hang out w/ hives?

If you are going to be in Philly you may want to check out djhives restaurant and bar reviews on citysearch.com. This way you will know what sucks and what doesn't suck from the ONLY Philly resturant and bar reviewer you can TRUST. Even if you're not planning to visit, I know you want to amuse yourself by reading reviews by someone who tells the TRUTH!


Get your party on...

"BOONDOCKS" creator says what NEMESIS says: "OBAMA IS NOT BLACK!"

A letter sent to me from truhholder:

Dear Hives,
I found this on aol today and thought it was very interesting about the college sheeple's general state of mind.

Check it out:

Bitter Words for Barack Obama
Posted by Bossip Staff

“The Boondocks” creator spoke his mind while at Earlham College the other night, and came off sounding like a bit of a d*k in the process:

“The Boondocks,” comic strip and animated series creator Aaron McGruder entertained, intrigued and outraged his audience at Earlham College on Monday night.

Appearing at the college for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, McGruder answered questions posed by the audience and by associate professor James Logan. Mixing political opinion and satire is hard to do in comics and cartoons, he said. “It’s not having a statement, it’s entertaining people so they listen.”

On the eve of President Barack Obama’s inauguration, McGruder is “cautiously pessimistic” about the presidency. “I don’t think you’re going to see any dramatic change from Barack Obama,” said McGruder, who wore a “Boondocks” T-shirt over a black long-sleeve shirt and jeans. “I’m hoping he proves me completely wrong.”

McGruder bases his opinions of the U.S. presidency on the 2000 election and how nothing has been done since then to change the election system. “It was a sham then … It’s got to still be a sham,” McGruder said. “I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but it’s what I tend to do.”

On the topic of race and ethnicity, McGruder said that to him, Obama is not black because he is not a descendant of a slave. “The person who is one of us in the White House is Michelle Obama and her momma,” McGruder said.

His comments outraged Dionne Robinson, 44, of Richmond. “I want my $5 back,” she said. “It’s one thing to have an opinion, but he doesn’t have any facts. He needs to go back to college.”

Robinson said that people were enslaved in many parts of the world, not just in America.

Her son, Zane Robinson, 14, of Richmond watches “The Boondocks,” but was disappointed by the show’s creator. “He’s nothing like his show,” Zane said. “I thought it was kind of boring. His answers were long and they didn’t make any sense.”


The line was funniest to me was: "He doesn't have all the facts, he needs to go back to college!"

Great article and great letter!

Yes anyone with a BRAIN knows Obama is NOT black - NOBODY --- and I mean NOBODY in his family came over here on a slave ship OR had to deal with American Civil Rights... EVER!

But the herd of DANs that follow him lack any brain power to even fathom this obvious truth, so they attack the creator of The Boondocks for not being an "Obama supporter"... then they say thing like: "He doesn't have all the facts, he needs to go back to college!"

MAY THE APOCALYPSE BEGIN!!!! I seriously cannot wait!

I never really watched boondocks but I've heard about it - but I must say Aaron McGruder is NOT a DAN - he is a SAN, one smart ass n*gger! Who told the truth to the masses of DAN college sheeple and what happens when you tell the sheep the truth?? THEY ATTACK!!! ..and that's exactly what happened to him!

My sincere hope is that Mr. McGruder comes into contact with the elite and turns his popular cartoon show into more of a brainwashing tool for the soon to be labatomized dumb black (and white) masses here in America. Mr. McGruder - the sheep don't want to hear the truth - you learned that the other day when you almost got attacked! Take those talents and herd these morans in a direction that will benefit YOU.


Why do black people not want to HEAR that Obama isin't black? Perhaps that brings them into the the truth which they do not want to hear, which is THEY GOT THE SHORT END OF THE STICK AGAIN!! DUMB-ASS-N*GGERS, if you ever had any doubt about the worth of black people - their reaction to Obama becoming president proves once again that they should have been returned to Africa for a REFUND, or left in the south to pick cotton.


THE GOLDEN RETARD / A letter from lismshil

Hello Djhives,

My family lives off of welfare. You see, I have an serverly autistic brother. I was also dianosed with a mild version of it when i was a kid. I don't believe it affects me anymore. Yet my parents still patronize me like a retard anyway. It makes me RELEASE MY ANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway.. Throughout my whole life, my bro and I were free money. Every month came a check to support the handfuls that we were. My brother went to a group home, but yet we still get money for him anyway. When I turned 18, which meant I had to renew the checks in my name insetad of my parents. I had the choice of free money or freedom. I chose freedom. I'm sure my mom blames ME now instead of my brother for her self-inflected financial problems.

She told me that since I decided not to get the checks, I'd have to make up for the "loss" and get a job. I have had jobs in the past. Most of my money went to my parents anyway. I thought I was helping out the family, but i feel that my parents were just using me. Even with my "taxes" and the free checks, they STILL have trouble paying the bills. I see everyday just how they screw themselves over. They go to Rentway and rent a big screen TV, we now live in a big house with high rent. They also buy alcohol and weed almost weekly. Yeah, i smoke it, but I can live without it, she can't.

Wow, after typing all that out, i see why i have difficulty getting out of being poor. I've had to teach myself pretty much everything else in life, why not how to make money as well? I started reading Rich Dad, Poor Day today and I understand even more why my parents are poor.

Thank you Djhives and Nemesis for your awesome videos and blog! Without ya'll, i'd just be another sheep in the herd."

You and your brother are golden retards. Your parents/mother uses you for her own personal, selfish, shoe and chocolate buying, materialistic well-being and profit.

That is just the truth, ruth.

But dont worry. EVERY mother is like this! As Villar said, every woman has kids for her OWN reasons. A kid is just like a credit card, or a monthly check, or a 401K plan to a woman. It simply means she will be supported forever. Your mother, like all mothers, holds you and your brother for RANSOM in return for that CHECK each month form the Welfare Department. All women are like this - you aren't "special" (lol, no pun intended...retard..lol..sorry) everyone is like this to their mother. Why do you think women pretend to love children? And why do you think they show off to other women about their kids? It simply means that they are set for life. The more kids the more support she receives - and a woman's ultimate goal is to have a male benefactor for life. The best way to do this is KIDS... the second best way is marriage.

So FUCK you CUNT, WHORE MOTHER, I told you the truth, now it's time to 'get over it', don't let it cripple you (lol...SORRY!! no pun..lol) - we're all golden retards to our mothers.

Now listen to me carefully:

Your mom blames YOU for her problems because you didn't do what you were 'supposed' to do in her mind which was be a walking ATM/Monthly check to her. IN HER EYES YOU ARE USELESS AS A PERSON NOW. A child who cannot guarantee his mother a monthly income is WORTHLESS to her. A reject. A retard. You. Women - ALL WOMEN - are cold, maniacal, moranacal, selfish, bitches. They ONLY care about themselves. This is just natures way.

You will NEVER gain your mothers approval (and DON'T TRY TO!) because you never proved to be the ASSET you were supposed to be.

No woman goes through 9 months of pregnancy, labor, and gives birth because she 'loves children' , no she LOVES the human benefactor that she will eventually give birth to! It is important to note that women, in ther infinite stupidity, do not blame the FATHER for their problems, but rather the CHILD. A 'good boy (or girl) is one that makes daddy(or the state) take care of mommy. A 'bad boy (or girl - or YOU), is one that DOESN'T make daddy (or the state) take care of mommy.


This is why you mother said, since you're not getting the checks you have to get a job (and give her the money) you see, YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A PAYCHECK TO YOUR MOTHER - that's ALL a child is to his mother. ALWAYS! Break that deal and you will see the loving mother turn into the vicious psychopath she really is!

Fuck your cunt mother. You are young, it's hard to escape these days. But you can do it.



You were going to send me into a BLIND-RAGE once more with your MORANIC comments about there being 2 kinds of loans:

home loans


business loans

You, being a moran, said that you could GAIN from taking a BUSINESS LOAN.

I want you OUT of this goddmaned forum room unless you READ and UNDERSTAND the following post from TITSNASS below... you are seriouly going to send me into a wanton, reckless rage you sub-orc:


what part of when millions of sheep borrow 100s of thousands of dollars causes inflation and decreases the value of currency dont you understand???!!!!!

The more of you idiots ie (MORANS) go out there and borrow (get your so called free lunch) so you can have this illusion of flipping it into more (free lunch) the more things wind up costing. Where the fuck do you think this money comes from retards??!!! They PRINT THE SHIT OUT OF THIN AIR!!!DOH!!!! And the more they print the less its worth,,,the less its worth the more shit cost DOH!! why you little DOH!! And the more shit cost the more you wind up being back to square one,,and then when the economy crashes the elite snatch up everything and leave you fucking DOH!! MORANS out to dry,,

Sonofabitch how hard is it to learn?? why do you think they are dumping bailout money into the banks?? cause they have to print it out of thin air,,they are helping the economic crash along by doing this,,,they know its going to happen but they are just speeding up the process. Heres some advice dumbass, GO TAKE YOUR FREE LUNCH MONEY AND BUY A WATER FILTRATION SYSTEM AND STOP DRINKING ALL THAT FLOURIDE THAT IS CLOUDING YOUR SHEEPY MORAN BRAIN DDDDOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

TitsNass "

Hidden-hand you little black ass-hole, do you remember NEMENOMICS? It is what titsnass is describing. When you borrow a dollar everything inflates by one dollar!

You may be a young idiot, but gas is $4 a gallon, milk is $3 a gallon, bread is $4 a loaf, gold is $900 an ounce, a Mac-Donnel breakfast combo is $8 dollars. A Kit-Kat candy bar is $2.50. An apartment is $900 a month. Your average job for a HS graduate is $15 an hour.

In 2001, just BEFORE the housing boom gas was 99 CENTS a gallon, milk was $1.25 a gallon, bread was $1.50 a loaf, gold was $300 an ounce, a mac-donnel breakfast $3. And a kit-kat candy bar was 99 CENTS. An apartment was $300 a month. Your average job for a HS graduate was $8 an hour.

WHen you borrow, dumbass, the money printed goes directly into INFLATING THE ENTIRE ECONOMY!!! As you can see from above, the a person in 2001 is no more better off today in 2009 than he was BEFORE the inflation. What caused the inflation? He, like YOU, thought he would BORROW to "get ahead". It is a mathematical impossibility to gain by borrowing.

How did you get into this forum? GO BACK AND WATCH EVERY NEMESIS FILM UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND. If not, stay off the forum - this is beyond remedial for me to be explaining this to you. I won't explain it again, ill just delete your moranic comments and direct you to infowars.com from now on...


PS - why do you think "BUSINESSES" go OUT OF BUSINESS? Why don't we see the same businesses in our cities that were around when our parents where our age? In fact why don't we see the same businesses from just 8 years ago?! The reason is that they are using borrowed money - they borrow to start up, then borrow to 'grow' then when the credit is cut off they CRASH! This is the life cycle of your average 'fake borrowed business' you GOOK - didn't you see Circuit City go out of business? All the "businesses" struggling to get by, because they were never really businesses to begin with.

The only businesses that are still around are REAL businesses that use no debt, like the damn HOTDOG cart on the corner that's been there for 60 years - or the diner that only takes cash and paid cash for the building.

get a brain moran

Letter from Joe....

"hive, can you explain why taking out a business loan is a bad idea. let's say you took out 100,000 dollar to buy a burger place. now, it has become a chain store. you are now a millionaire that has long paid of the interest on the loan. what's the catch. have you fucked yourself in the long wrong in the illusion to get ahead. -- Joe"

ARE YOU A MORAN??!! I grow tired of explaining this to fools.

It is a mathematical impossibility to gain by borrowing. The SIMPLE reason is the money you borrow is simply PRINTED. So the moment you borrow a dollar, the world inflated by a dollar as well. You MORAN! You can spin it all around in your mind however you like.... you can "invest" your new borrowed money however you like, but the math remains the math.

God you people are stupid

You are complete morans... I dont even know why I responded to this one. Other than to call you a MORAN for asking such a stupid question on this forum!

Sometimes I feel like I'm writing a bunch of idiots with hand-bags here.... I feel like some of you cunts don't deserve the new NEMESIS videos because you don't even understand the OLD ONES! Go back and watch the NEMESIS videos again until you comprehend. If not, got to www.infowars.com and stick your head in the shit bowl.


Letter from Joe

"nemesis prediction might becoming true. word on the street obama is in a secret meeting to deal with bank failures. bank will be nationalize. during this period, credit will be frozen.
-- Joe"

The more likely scenario to set this financial crisis off is the classic "calling in of all loans" scenario.

Most people don't realize that whenever you take out a loan the bank can call back or DEMAND that you pay them the FULL AMOUNT (ie prinicpal) at ANYTIME. The supposed logic behind this is that since you have the money, you should be able to give it back OR sell whatever you bought with the money and repay the loan. For instance if a bank lends you $100 and you buy a new TV, you should be able to sell that TV for $100 if the banks then demand their money back. Anyway the important thing to remember is that ALWAYS in the fine print of a loan, there is a clause that states that the bank can demand repayment in full at ANYTIME.

This is exactly what bought on the great depression/stock market crash. The banks simply 'called in the loans' or said "pay us back our money we lent you". But the herds of sheep SPENT all their borrowed money on stocks. Ok, you say, what's the big deal, just sell the stock for what you paid for it and you'll instantly have the money to repay the banks... BUT - what happens when everyone suddenly starts SELLING (dumping) in a certain market? THE PRICE PLUMMETS!!! This is what happened:

- The sheep borrowed $100 from a bank
- The sheep bought $100 worth of stock
- The bank called in all loans
- The sheep went to sell his stock to get his $100 back
- Since EVERY OTHER SHEEP was SELLING as well the stock price crashed! ..Now he could only get $5 back from his sales.

That's the game.

That's hwo calling in a loan works. And that may very well happen SOON. The masses already know the economy is in trouble, and the BANKS are in trouble. What better way to avoid a bank falure (in the eyes of the masses) than to CALL IN ALL LOANS to keep the banks from failing. Suddenly Joe Yuppie will need to pay back his $300k house note! Since he already SPENT his borrowed $300k on a house, he will be forced to sell it in an effort to get the meney back. But since EVERYONE ELSE IN THE COUNTRY will be selling their house also, it will create a massive FLOOD on the market which will guarantee the price CRASHES!

Again, this was explained in the LIFEKILL series: Imagine if it RAINED GOLD TOMMOROW - gold would suddenly be WORTHLESS! A market flooded with desperate house sellers would likewise make houses worthless too. This is HISTORY, this is what happened in 1929 and this is what's likely to happen this year. In fact there have already been hints towards this...

For instance credit is no longer being offered to "businesses" (I put business in quoty marks because if you borrow to start your business you don't have a business, you have a DEBT!) ... anyway businesses are no longer being extended credit. This creates the idea that banks NEED money badly. How can banks get money if the need it so badly? Well they would do like ANYONE who is OWED MONEY... THEY WILL COLLECT!!!

You see fools, everything is being set up to where the "unthinkable" (or unprecedented as Obama puts it) has to happen: ROCKY has to collect from Del Rio! Mr. Gazzo wants his money back -- NOW!

What MORANS like Mr. Money masters never tell you is that the crash of 1929 was made possible ONLY by banks doing what their borrowers AGREED TO: That at ANYTIME THE BANKS COULD CALL IN THEIR LOANS!!! Oh yes fools - Zeitgeist FORGOT to mention that didn't they!

Mr. Gazzo (Right) is the LOAN SHARK. Rocky (Left, morans) is the "LEG BREAKER" or BILL COLLECTOR or REPO-MAN... and Mr. Yuppie McMansion is gonna be the masses of sheeple forces to sell at a discount in a few weeks....

You see there must be a PRETEXT for drastic action (calling in loans) and that pretext is simply that everyone might go broke if the banks fail, UNLESS the borrowers pay what is owed... seemingly to replenish the banks reserves and allow money for lending again...

Its simple bitches:

The banks have no money to lend people
The banks DEMAND that money owed to them be repaid immediately
Now the banks can lend again

Whatever the outcome, you can be certain that that CRAZY NEMESIS talk about how BORROWING is what screw the sheep, will be proven LITERALLY right before your eyes.

Debt is also called LEVERAGE... the sheep think they have the leverage (DUM DA DUM, DUM!) when they borrow (look at me! I gotta $300K house ALL by using BANK LEVERAGE!! IM SO SMART) LOL!!! FAIL!!! watch what happens! No FOOLS, they call it LEVEREAGE because the BANK has it - fool.

SO watch and enjoy as the "difficult decision" is to call in all debt in an effort to replinish banks with the money they need to lend again (irony).

Letter from Wesley Casteleyn

"Dear Mr. Hives

I was wondering...Do you not feel isolated? If not physically, then surely mentally. I am finding it most difficult to go out there and be amongst the sheep. There is noone that I know off that WANTS to contemplate on things like myself. Yet, I have to go outside and deal with these sheeple. I hear them ramble about all their sheepy stuff and I wonder why I even deal with them at all. They are only good to be 'exploited'.

Then I look at the big picture. This society we have, one big joke, a game, it's fucking monopoly irl. Could you be satisfied with just being a participant? Granted you know the rules, unlike the brainless sheeple. But still, are you content with living your life in this hive...I mean, if I was to exploit the sheeple, make my living of them. I would
1) have to deal with them
2) be depended on them...
Every time you have a contact with sheeple, they are influencing you... Like it or not, you can not escape this. I see it as poison, they poison my mind with stupid shit I do not want to hear!

But, man is not a solitary creature. We are made to band...It is like it is in nature, Two things come together to form a third, higher structure. So, by choosing this road I am on, I will most likely end up isolated. The flip side of the coin? - WC"

This is a good letter. The short answer is YES you will be isolated. But don't let that discourage you. What I mean by that is, would you actually WANT to be surrounded by sheep? This is just the way it goes. An employer doesn't hang out with his employees - the reason why is because he is on a different level that his subjects, so you won't find him with the herd after work at the TGI Fridays drinking $2 beers and eating jalapeno poppers - in fact you're unlikely to run into him at all... ever... Even if you live in a small town, it is unlikely the employee will ever run into the boss... even at seemingly innocuous places like the grocery store.. again the two parties exist on different planes.

Likewise the same is true with the elite... beginning with your local MAYOR. Do you ever run into him? Do you see him on the highway sitting in traffic, or at the newspaper stand getting a stick of gum, or at happy hour at the bar on Friday afternoon? No - you do not because he is disinterested in what his ASSETS are doing. Same goes for the military... will you see a General rubbing elbows with a private? Of course you wont - again same principle - one is a PIMP the other is a HOE. The pimp doesn't associate with the hoe except to EXPLOIT her. Indeed any contact the pimp has with the hoe will have a direct exploitative motive behind it. This is why the pimp calls meetings/press conferences time and again - to exploit by showing 'he can relate' to the herd, yet you wont find him 'hanging out' with the herd....

Remember - PIMP or HOE.. no other way. Red pill or blue pill... there is no other pill. Those who took the truth pill found themselves ISOLATED outside of the matrix. It is simply what happens when you seek the truth - you join the minority.

The sheep don't poison me.. at all... so they shouldn't be poisoning your mind either. In order to poison ones mind they would have to be more intelligent that you are - which they are not. So I see sheep as just slaves. They are a source of cheap labor because they are addicted to buying things. And of course they 'buy' things by getting into debt. Think of it... look out your door at the average person walking buy... they are addicted to buying useless crap and liabilities which require more crap to maintain them. A person goes out a buys a car which requires constant payments, which requires they get a job, which requires they go to school, then they buy a house which requires constant maintenance and upgrades, they NEED to get the new furniture, X-box, vertical blinds, the new rims, the new tims, the new this, new that, upgrade this, repair that.

Their addiction to usless things is what makes your money powerful. If you want to see the POWER of money just hire someone to do a job for you. You may not think someone would be willing ot break their back for you, but when you consider how addicted the sheep is to MONEY (as apposed to WEALTH or REALITY) he will gladly do whatever you say.... a source of cheap labor.

That's what I see them as
That's what the elite see them as
That's what the boss at work sees his employees as
That's what the mayor sees his citizens as
That's what the General sees his privates as


So to feel isolated from the pack animals is very illogical if you know their purpose.

To satisfy your need to 'band together' as you put it, simply seek out others like you. Politicians are like you, business owners and hustlers are like you, commissioned officers (as opposed to NCO's) in the military are like you...

SWFQWs pointed out that society is split into two groups the DOCILE (hoes) and the POLITICAL (pimps).. here's the quote:

"Thus, a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts, a docile sub-nation and a political sub-nation. The political sub-nation remains attached to the docile sub-nation, tolerates it, and leaches its substance until it grows strong enough to detach itself and then devour its parent."


In the book 1984, which was written by an agent, was simply metaphysics - or drawing, like hollywood, what was PLANNED.. the authors real name as you know was Blair (like elitist Tony Blair) -- anyway 1984 demonstrated this principle through the INNER PARTY and the OUTER PARTY.

The inner party exploited the outer party (Winston's party). A third party called the proles also existed, but they were at the level of SUB-ORC and didn't even need to be controlled. While there are certainly many sub-orcs in society today, the majority of those I call sheeple would be in the OUTER PARTY if it was 1984... that is to say, they are stupid, but not 100% mindless. (perhaps 99.9%) - still that .1% if the part of their intelligence open to suggestion from their exploiters - the INNER PARTY or politicians, bosses, army generals, pimps, etc...

Indeed an animal that is completely stupid, is therefore completely useless. Even a cow has to have enough brain power to know to MOVE forward when his ass is cattle-whipped.

Your personal feelings of isolation however may be stemming form your unwillingness to EXPLOIT those whom you no longer consider to be HUMAN. Go back and re-watch the NEMESIS film "PIMPS AND HOES". I suspect you are lingering on the fence of these two poles and are therefore questioning the meaning of your existence. Start practicing way of exploiting them. Figure out something to sell to them. Create a business and hire them to do the work for you. Experiment - TRY THINGS OUT! Don't be afraid to fail:

"The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, and especially in delegating those personal responsibilities to others where success is uncertain or carries possible or created liabilities (law) which the person is not prepared to accept."

I can personally verify that this is true. People are afraid to control their destinies because they are afraid to take responsibility... in other words "take the heat" from potential clients and customers. The second part is also important " and especially in delegating those personal responsibilities to others where success is uncertain or carries possible or created liabilities (law) which the person is not prepared to accept." ... what that means is people are afraid to HIRE (ie EXPLOIT!) SHEEPLE to do the work for them. I know many people who have businesses (I must note that business simply means your hustle..weather its selling drugs, mowing lawns, walking dogs, or making pizza - it is whatever YOU create and sell to sheep. A "COMPANY" simply means you have 'other people working for you' - both are businesses, but a business is not a company. HOWEVER what is important is that you have some sort of BUSINESS, even if it is selling crap on Ebay -- i digress...) I know many people who have businesses that are AFRAID to hire HELP. This is the downfall of the sheep - they do not trust THEMSELVES and the power of money. I know people who walk dogs, but refuse to hire a migrant mexican to do it for them... or people that run coffee shops and run the counter themselves. Don't get me wrong - doing things yourself is fine - but once you recognize you recognize that whatever it is you are selling is in demand it behooves you not to hire someone to at least HELP do it for you. People often go: well I don't know if they can do it as good as I can. NO! Let the MONEY motovate your slave! Watch! It's like magic! And I must quote a line from the classic book "Rich dad / poor dad": "SMART PEOPLE HIRE PEOPLE SMARTER THAN THEY ARE!". Do you think Bill Gates is the smartest soft ware designer? Or do you think he knows how to HIRE the SMARTEST software designers out there.

So to sum this all up Wesley - I think you are on the fence. You are staring at a pen of sled-dogs just waiting to take you to your next destination -- all you have to do is give up that scooby-snack dollar bill in your pocket. I think if you do so, you won't feel so isolated.

You may or may not already know this but...

This is a photo of an Album Cover for the Hip Hop band "the Coup" released BEFORE 9/11..... BEFORE.


Just remember the simpsons movie...

Notice how Alex Jones NEVER .... EVER..... EVER talks about Hollywood films -- he never asks anyone to analyze them critically... the reason is if his fans began to look at the message BEHIND your average movie, then they would begin to look at the message behind the Alex Jones show.... which is 'wake up the sheeple'.

Now I respect jones AS AN AGENT, for without him who knows where his followers would divert their barbarous energies.... so agan, I'm jus stating this as a matter of FACT. Jones keeps the sheep

A) stuck on 9/11

B) unconcerned with THINKING

c) concerned with fear (aka "terror" and "police")

As fans of NEMESIS videos you should NEVER watch any TV of Movie blindly ever again... I am confident that you feel this way too. Anyone with a brain [moran] can look back at the simpsons movie, and the happening, and quarantine, and I am legend, and doomsday, and 2012, and the day the earth stood still.... and see there this is all going to go...... It is guaranteed.

I am glad that many of you are beginning to trust YOURSELF rather than TV or "the herd". I'm glad that you can look at a movie like 2012 and say PROPAGANDA and TRUST YOURSELF - rather than waiting for someone ELSE'S approval of your idea. Weather you agree with the NWO or not, this is what seperates you from the sheep: the ablility to trust YOURSELF - to form your OWN opinions. To say YOUR opinion is BETTER that Petter Jennings, or Hillary Clintions, or Obamas, or the TV or hollywood, or the 'majority'....

All your life you have spent CONFORMING to the ideas of OTHERS. I hope you have learned through NEMESIS that YOU are the only idea/opinion that matters.

One of the mainstays of NEMESIS videos was the unrelenting confidence behind them. How pathetic is it NOT to have more confidence in your own opinions VS someone elses opinions? The obama prediction proved this.

The Lucifer project was simply moved - admittedly by NASA to 2010 - now the ignition will be 100% allegory!

Letter from Tiredwolf / SMOKING BAN

" Dear Benevolent one:

Does you know why the powers that
be, want people worldwide to stop smoking?
It is obviously bad for your health and pocket.
But why do these people who are otherwise busy
poisioning the cattle with vaccines etc.,seem
soo insistant on this one subject????
It does not fit the pattern/plan. I am soo
curious about this, that I really need to figure it out!
A more modern version of what you have been
discussing, was when Castro in Cuba emptied
the jails and sent them all to Florida as
refugee's seeking freedom in the US. It was a
novel and brillant plan by him. They were accepted with open arms by the authorities! --- Tiredwolf"

A couple of reasons here:

First smoking, like any recreational drug causes people to socialize and bond, their inhibitions relax a bit and people seem to see eye to eye when they are SHARING a nice experience (smoking). This cannot be allowed to happen. The smoking ban can be related to the NEMESIS "me/i/you conspiracy" film. It's a way of breaking up connections/bonds/friendships.

A recent bar around my way just 'banned' smoking. Instead of people lighting up and socializing, they are forced to go out the front or back door int he freezing cold and suck their cigarette in silence. Even if they huddle together with other smokers any bonding is negated by the guilt and resentment of having to go outside of the herd to smoke. Imagine if you were at a bar and everytime you wanted to do a shot (not a beer, but a SHOT) you had to go outside to do it because there was a ban on shooting alcohol - it would CERTAINLY take away from the bonding ritual of people doing shots - you would instead feel guilt and resentment, most likely placed on those in the bar not doing shots whom you would assume supported the legislation...

#2: SHOCK-TEST....

Who remembers one of the first smoking ban in NYC... I remember thinking, are the sheeple really going to stand for this?? I mean it's a BAR - they are drinking ALCOHOL inside which kills you FASTER than second hand smoke. Fact: 1 beet VS all night in a smoke filled bar - the beer is more unhealthy. The argument was that bars were 'public places' and SECOND HAND smoke was a health factor - true, it is MARGINALLY - but what's more important to consider is people enter a bar knowing this. It's like if your ass sits at the dolphin show you know your ass is gonna get wet! Should there be a BAN on front row seating at the dolphin fun-show?

So of course the point is not health but rather more restrictions on the sheep. Again, the more they borrow (prove that they are wild animals) the more they shall be boxed inside cages (where wild animals belong). It all comes down to a loss of FREDOM. And arbeit macht frei --- WORK brings freedom. A nation of workers gets to smoke - a nation of begging savages does not. The elite put the dollar in the touchtunes so they get to play Madonna all night if they so choose. At the end of the day the fact remains - the cattle lost their privileged to smoke.

Why did the elite pick smoking? As I stated first, we cant have people bonding. As I stated second they lost their right to vote when they traded the shovel for the credit card. You cannot have a pack of wild, borrowing, savages "organizing" or bonding. Just imagine these insane BUBBLEHEADS and BUBBLETARDS who are loosing "their" borrowed McMansions and "luxury" condos. You simply cannot have INSANE people getting together and organizing.

I can see it now, a bunch of gooks sitting in a bar over cigarettes yammering on about "yeah, they bail out the big banks - but where's OUR bailout!?" , "he yeah, we should DO something" , "yeah lets DO something about out greedy government", "yeah, hey pass me a cigarette.."

This is why there are so man iSheep products! You simply cannot have PSYCHOPATHIC BEGGARS "getting any ideas".

As you know, the first person to bad smoking in modern times was a man I admirer, Der Fuer.

Here we have a no smoking in your car PSA from Der Fuer:

Der Fuer visited my city in 1937. I have heard stories from the old folks about how they saw the big blimp with the colorful swastikas on its tail fins float gracefully over the skyline. I wish I could have been there was there (Hitler aboard the Zepplin Hindenburg floating over my neighborhood in 1937)

"Tiredwolf- good question...

On tobacco (I assume that is what you meant by smoking, as the other kind is still illegal for the most part in USA) - There is another angle about smoking (tobacco) that is pushed on the people- they know already that higher taxes will not curb the smoking habit but make the people simply pay more (I have heard arguments that nicotine is more addictive than heroin). However, what I believe the main push for making tobacco look so awful is that the government always does actions like this to "look good" to the people. It is always beneficial to put fear into people in small and large ways (such as the "threat" of second hand smoking), create another class of people through this push (smokers and non-smokers) that are "separate" from each other, and above all else- fight the "evil" with one hand (laws, education against tobacco, look good) and wholeheartedly support it with the other (by allowing the supply of cigarettes into any and all stores). If you want other examples of this, think of the US drug war (fight drugs with one hand, bring it into US via CIA with the other), or the war on terror (fight against the taliban while supplying them with training, arms, equipment) -- Leonard"

very true! Smoking bans reinforce that "government is good" ... "why would they kill us, they care about our health" --- in fact why would they never HARM us, they banned smoking - they would NEVER harm us!

Letter from jackalbertson

"Merciful one,

Funny story about African blacks. A friend of mine who was in the USMC went to Somalia once. All the black Marines on the ship were excited about going to the home land. They put on all their green and black beads. When all the Marines went to the bars, all the local Africans were only going with the white Marines. They said the American blacks were from the weak tribes. It pissed off all those black Marines who were so excited about the mother land. --jackalbertson"

This is true - as with everyone in America, Ireland and Australia - the U.S. is a nation of REJECTS. Why would someone leaver their homeland, get on a boat with a million others, and come to this country with nothing? To find the land of opportunity? I think not. America is the reject colony. Black slaves included. The sheep are taught that during slavery the white barbarian ran trough the jungles of Arfica with hog-nets looking to capture Africans... absolutely false.

Other BLACKS in africa rounded up their prioners, retards, rejects, and moon-bats, both from their own tribes and other tribes to sell to the interested American parties. Race had nothing to do with it. The white American slave trader simply went to Africa and met with Africans and said "sell me the prisoners in your jails" and it was done.

Your DAN friends in the marines don't understand this, but its common sense - if your ass ended up being a slave in America, you most certainly have earned the Darwin award!

Same goes for the white sheeple in America too. They yammer on about being Irish american or Italian... but when they get to ireland or italy they look more like n*ggers to them than anything else!

Letter from Thy Returner

"Your Honor:

A friend told me that Finacial Aid helps avoid paying for school; is this true or not? Isn't it important to have a job due to the finacial crisis and better yet to be able to be qualified to attain jobs that still require human brain power to do? I mean I can read this and say yeah I agree, but I'm still young and haven't not been to college it seems to be just one side of the story. I mean it sounds cool not being able to work long hours (if you don't work hives), but don't you still need money to start such ideas to begin with?
-- Thy Returner"

Ok, since you are young and probably in highschool and havent reached the age of 18, im going to take it easy on you.... normally I would blow up at this sort of question but I will keep it civil and polite with you:

YOU'RE A MORAN!!! Get a BRAIN! What's wrong with you. Have you NEVER watched a NEMESIS video? "Financial AID"??? You mean WELFARE? You are disgusting me! You are are associating WORKING - which anyone can do anytime they want - with FINANCIAL AID. Are you a DAN? Where are you getting this idea that college "qualifies you" for working. No - you FOOL it prepares you to be a DEBT SLAVE. Do you like spending $2000 a month in bills? That's what the average "qualified" sheep does!

A user named "JOE" suggested something I found both funny and necessary: college should last FOREVER and it's courses should consist of PICKING COTTON! That's what you greedy morans deserve: SHARECROPPING 101 w/ Professor Charlie & assistant professor Aunt Jemima!

You gook!


you then wrote:

"...but don't you still need money to start such ideas to begin with?"

You monsterous, morananical, MORAN! You are RELEASING MY ANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You MORAN - How do you get MONEY!!??

HOW! You MORAN!! HOW! DO! YOU! OBTAIN!!! MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You diseased sheep!!! The LAST FUCKING THING that enters your mind is EARNING (not BORROWING) your way through life.


And when you give it all back you are left with NOTHING!

ASK A COLLEGE GRADUATE ABOUT THE "GOOD LIFE" - they will tell you they are SUB-ORCS XENO-SLAVES protecting the feminist code!

Tell your parents to BAN you from the internet until you get a BRAIN MORAN!!!

By the way you just won the Master Lee Mochow Award, CONGRATULATIONS:

The Great College Hoax (COLLEGE IS FOR MORANS!!!)

Didn't I tell you college was for MORANS? A slave school? Stupidity academy? Debt slave dependency collar? Enjoy...

The Great College Hoax

Law Students in Heavy Debt
Kathy Kristof 02.02.09

As steadily as ivy creeps up the walls of its well-groomed campuses, the education industrial complex has cultivated the image of college as a sure-fire path to a life of social and economic privilege.

Joel Kellum says he's living proof that the claim is a lie. A 40-year-old Los Angeles resident, Kellum did everything he was supposed to do to get ahead in life. He worked hard as a high schooler, got into the University of Virginia and graduated with a bachelor's degree in history.

Accepted into the California Western School of Law, a private San Diego institution, Kellum couldn't swing the $36,000 in annual tuition with financial aid and part-time work. So he did what friends and professors said was the smart move and took out $60,000 in student loans.

Kellum's law school sweetheart, Jennifer Coultas, did much the same. By the time they graduated in 1995, the couple was $194,000 in debt. They eventually married and each landed a six-figure job. Yet even with Kellum moonlighting, they had to scrounge to come up with $145,000 in loan payments. With interest accruing at up to 12% a year, that whittled away only $21,000 in principal. Their remaining bill: $173,000 and counting.

Kellum and Coultas divorced last year. Each cites their struggle with law school debt as a major source of stress on their marriage. "Two people with this much debt just shouldn't be together," Kellum says.

The two disillusioned attorneys were victims of an unfolding education hoax on the middle class that's just as insidious, and nearly as sweeping, as the housing debacle. The ingredients are strikingly similar, too: Misguided easy-money policies that are encouraging the masses to go into debt; a self-serving establishment trading in half-truths that exaggerate the value of its product; plus a Wall Street money machine dabbling in outright fraud as it foists unaffordable debt on the most vulnerable marks.

College graduates will earn $1 million more than those with only a high school diploma, brags Mercy College radio ads running in the New York area. The $1 million shibboleth is a favorite of college barkers.

Like many good cons, this one contains a kernel of truth. Census figures show that college grads earn an average of $57,500 a year, which is 82% more than the $31,600 high school alumni make. Multiply the $25,900 difference by the 40 years the average person works and, sure enough, it comes to a tad over $1 million.

But anybody who has gotten a passing grade in statistics knows what's wrong with this line of argument. A correlation between B.A.s and incomes is not proof of cause and effect. It may reflect nothing more than the fact that the economy rewards smart people and smart people are likely to go to college. To cite the extreme and obvious example: Bill Gates is rich because he knows how to run a business, not because he matriculated at Harvard. Finishing his degree wouldn't have increased his income.

All the while students have been lulled into thinking of the extra $1 million that will be theirs, they have been forced to disgorge an ever larger fraction of it in pursuit of the degree. While the premium that college grads earn over high schoolers has remained relatively constant over the past five years, the cost of acquiring a degree has risen at twice the rate of inflation, dramatically undermining any value a sheepskin adds.

Offsetting that million-dollar income discrepancy is the $46,700 four-year cost of tuition, fees, books, room and board at a public school and $99,900 at a private one--even after financial aid, scholarships and grants. Add all this to the equation and college grads don't pull even with high school grads in lifetime income until age 33 on average, the College Board says. Even that doesn't include the $125,000 in pay students forgo over four years.

"I call it the million-dollar misunderstanding," says Mark Schneider, vice president of the American Institutes for Research, of the prevailing propaganda.

Not only are college numbers spun. Some are patently spurious, says Richard Sander, a law professor at UCLA. Law schools lure in minority students to improve diversity rankings without disclosing that less than half of African-Americans who enter these programs ever pass the bar. Schools goose employment statistics by temporarily hiring new grads and spotlighting kids who land top-paying jobs, while glossing over far-lower average incomes. The one certainty: The average law grad owes $100,000 in student debt.

"There are a lot of aspects of selling education that are tinged with consumer fraud," Sander says. "There is a definite conspiracy to lead students down a primrose path."

Warped as the numbers are, they don't begin to account for the hidden cost of higher education: financing it. Borrowing has doubled over the past decade, to roughly $85 billion in new student loans in the 2007--08 academic year, bringing total student debt owed to well over half a trillion dollars. The average borrower went $19,200 into debt for a diploma in 2004, a 58% increase after inflation since 1993, according to the Project on Student Debt.

The proportion of students who graduate with more than $40,000 in debt jumped sixfold during that period, to 7.7% of the 1 million grads in 2004, or 77,500 people. Most will struggle for more than a decade to work it off, assuming relatively low 6.8% interest rates, the Project on Student Debt says.

For many, the terms are far worse. A decade ago nearly all student lending was of the low-cost, federally guaranteed variety, most of it with 6% to 8% interest kicking in only after a student left school. As costs outpaced such financing over the past decade, the share of student loans from "private" lenders rose from 7% to 23% of the market, or $20 billion in the 2007--08 academic year.

The rise of private student lending closely paralleled the subprime mortgage boom, which went from 8% of home loan originations in 2003 to 20% in 2006, before the housing meltdown sent that mortgage sector over a cliff. Private student loans resemble subprime mortgages in other ways, too. As banks and brokers did with subprime home loans, colleges and the lenders in cahoots with them commonly market private student loans alongside lower-cost alternatives, blurring the differences.

The key one is cost. Many private lenders tack 10% origination fees onto 18% variable interest rates (there is no legal limit), which begin accruing the moment a loan is funded. That has made private loans more than twice as profitable as government-guaranteed ones and lured heavy involvement from Citigroup , Bank of America and Wells Fargo .

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has called private lending "the Wild West of the student loan industry." Some problems he notes smack of subprime mortgage lending: lax disclosure requirements, variable interest rates that compound and make paying off the principal a Sisyphean task, and kickback agreements by which lenders pay loan originators--in this case, colleges--a cut of their revenues.

State and federal authorities have taken action to curb the outright bribery. No less illustrious institutions of higher learning than Columbia University, New York University and the University of Pennsylvania paid $1 million-plus each to settle charges of wrongdoing in the student loan market.

Yet investigations still found "troubling, deceptive and often illegal practices . . . involving lenders, educational institutions and financial aid officials," according to Cuomo's office and the Congressional Committee on Education & Labor. Don't count on Washington to provide any more safeguards than it did with housing. Department of Education oversight of the student loan industry has been deemed insufficient by the Government Accountability Office.

Lacking honest input, three-quarters of high schoolers still seek to go on to college, many deluded about the financial prospects it holds, says American Institutes for Research's Schneider. "Part of the drive is the idea it pays," he says. "We need somebody making more realistic statements about the risks."

The risks are hefty. Half of students entering college never earn a degree. Six in ten African-Americans depart without one. "Hundreds of thousands of young people leave our higher education system unsuccessfully, burdened with large student loans that must be repaid, but without the benefit of the wages a college degree provides," warned a 2004 Education Trust study.

Among the half of entering students fortunate enough to get through college, millions go into debt for two-year associate degrees. These alumni outearn high school grads by only $8,400 a year. (Community colleges currently enroll 11.5 million.)

Tracy Kratzer, 27, enrolled in the International Academy of Design & Technology in Orlando, Fla. in 2003. With visions of making big bucks as a Web designer, she didn't give much thought to the interest rate on her loan from Sallie Mae , the Fannie Mae of student lending. Kratzer didn't know it at the time, but she was part of an experiment that has proved disastrous for borrowers and shareholders of Sallie's parent, SLM Corp. It's called "nontraditional" lending.

"That's not a sociological term," Albert Lord, chief executive of SLM Corp., told an audience of financial analysts last fall. "It's basically kids and parents with poor credit who are at the wrong schools."

Sallie Mae was set up by the government in 1972 and began privatizing its ownership in 1997. It began nontraditional lending in the easy-money heyday of 2002, when it cut deals with dozens of trade schools to become their preferred subprime student lender. Over the next four years Sallie doled out about $5 billion to people like Kratzer, waiving the credit scores and cosigners formerly required for its loans.

The bill arrived last year after nontraditional borrowers began entering the workforce. Of the half no longer studying, Sallie had written off 15% of loans by last June, the most recent period for which it has released figures; another 24% were delinquent. Among traditional loans for four-year universities, writeoffs ran 2% and delinquencies 4.9%.

SLM set aside $884 million to cover these bad loans in 2007 and posted its first loss. It expects nontraditional-loan writeoffs to peak this year. SLM's stock has lost 80% since the beginning of 2007, wiping out $15 billion in value. Lord, who was unavailable for comment, is a 28-year company veteran. He made $72 million as chief executive in 2007 by unloading SLM stock before it tanked. Sallie largely abandoned nontraditional lending last January.

That's little consolation to Kratzer. Shortly after graduating with an associate of arts degree, she discovered that the high-paying jobs she'd hoped to qualify for go to people with bachelor's degrees and years of experience. After a bout of unemployment, when she lived off credit cards, Kratzer recently found an hourly job as a clerk at a magazine, where she earns less than the average high school grad. In the meantime her $14,000 student loan has mushroomed to $27,000--more than she makes in a year--and continues to accrue interest at 18% a year. She says collection agents for Sallie and others hound her to hit up relatives for the money she owes.

"My mom works in a restaurant. My stepdad is in prison," says Kratzer. "There are so many people like me out there. They don't get seen. They don't get heard."

Mindy Babbitt entered Davenport University in her mid-20s to study accounting. Unable to cover the costs with her previous earnings as a cosmetologist, she took out a $35,000 student loan at 9% interest, figuring her postgraduate income would cover the cost.

Instead, the entry-level job her bachelor's degree got her barely covered living expenses. Babbitt deferred loan repayments and was then laid off for a time. Now 41 and living in Plainwell, Mich., she is earning $41,000 a year, or about $10,000 more than the average high school graduate makes. But since she graduated, Babbitt's student loan balance has more than doubled, to $87,000, and she despairs she'll never pay it off.

"Unless I win the lottery or get a job paying a lot more, my student debts are going to follow me to the grave," she says.

Babbitt is no oddity. In fact, one in four college grads takes home considerably less than the top quartile of high school grads, according to a College Board study. Even some people with doctorates earn less than people without so much as an associate degree, it shows.

For an indication of how out of touch the degree factories are with economic reality there's no need to pick on UCLA's course in queer musicology or Edith Cowan University's degree in "surf science." U.S. universities also minted 37,000 history degrees in 2006, including 852 Ph.D.s. That for a field with fewer than 500 job openings and average pay of $48,500. Plumbers, by contrast, enjoyed 16,000 new jobs that year and earned only $6,000 less than historians, census figures show.

Of course, not all history majors want to become historians. For many a bachelor's degree is nothing but a stepping-stone to a professional degree. Joel Kellum is one of those. After graduating from the University of Virginia, he got into California Western. Kellum approached a law professor about the wisdom of borrowing for the tuition.

"He said, 'Don't worry,'" Kellum recalls. "'We had the same thing when we were in school.'"

Kellum filled out a fat packet of forms in his school's financial aid office. Weeks later, he says, he got a call asking him to sign over a check to the school without any discussion of the loan terms. Kellum complied.

Only after he graduated, and his payments came due, did he dig into the details. What Kellum discovered was that, instead of cheap government loans, the bulk of his debt was in Signature loans: variable-rate debt from Sallie Mae. Kellum's variable rate has ticked as high as 9% and his ex-wife's to as much as 12%.

Like many grads, Kellum and Coultas hit bumps along their career paths. They deferred payments once when they were unemployed and twice more after their children were born. Each time, Kellum says, Sallie Mae tacked on fees for the delay. When he was a few days late making payments, he says, he got hit with more fees, which also accrued interest, and with a scolding.

"When you're a second late, you get 20 or 30 calls," he says. "It [Sallie Mae's Signature loan] is coated as a sweet government loan, but you can get better interest rates, and better treatment, borrowing from Vito in downtown Brooklyn."

Like Vito, private student lenders don't dwell on the dollar cost of compound interest. Cathelyn Gregoire says she applied for financial aid at the Tampa campus of the design school Kratzer attended and was assured she'd receive a loan at a fixed 7% rate. Three months after classes began Gregoire received a $14,000 loan. Only after graduating did she discover she was being charged a variable 13.25%, plus a "supplemental fee" of 6%. Her loan balance had jumped to $20,000 by the end of 2007.

Gregoire is now a plaintiff in a federal suit in Connecticut, accusing Sallie Mae of targeting minorities with deceptive lending. Her lawyers are trying to make it a class action.

Sallie Mae denies wrongdoing and distributes rate disclosures when students apply for loans, according to spokesperson Thomas Joyce. Sallie's disclosure document warns in capital letters that the rate a borrower sees may not be the one he gets.

Joyce says Sallie's borrowers receive detailed paperwork within ten days of funding and can rescind their loans then. In reality loan checks often go directly to schools after classes have begun. To rescind a loan a student must get the college to return the money. The student must then find new funding or drop out.

Education lenders, unlike other consumer financiers, are not required to provide Truth in Lending disclosures before reeling in borrowers. A law passed last year requires advanced disclosure, but not until 2010.

Get caught in this quagmire and you're stuck for good. Consumers who go on a credit card binge stand a good chance of getting debt discharged in bankruptcy. Not so if they take out a loan to educate themselves. Those loans, per the 2005 bankruptcy law, are not dischargeable. One reason: Without this exception, every student would run through a bankruptcy between graduation and starting a career.

Who gets stuck with these toxic loans? As with subprime mortgages, the people who can least afford them. A disproportionate number of high-interest student loans go to low-income students attending for-profit institutions, according to a 2008 study by Charlene Wear Simmons, assistant director of the California Research Bureau, an arm of the state government.

"Borrowing, combined with other risk factors for not completing higher education (such as working too many hours, lack of adequate preparation and part-time attendance), puts many students, especially low-income and first-generation students, at a particular disadvantage," says a 2005 study by Lawrence Gladieux, an education policy consultant, and Laura Perna, assistant professor of education at the University of Pennsylvania.

It's too late to save the country from the housing finance bubble. But the college bubble is not quite as far along.

Here's something they wont teach morans in college: SIMPLE MATH. You simply CANNOT BORROW TO GET AHEAD - it is mathematically impossible - it cannot be done --- ever! Sounds so EASY though! Just get free money to get da stuff that you want -- ya! you win!!! ..... FAIL!!!

As this article correctly pointed out - you may MAKE more when you graduate from slave school, but you will OWE MORE TOO!!!

A mook working at the Mac-Donnel makes $15 an hour ($30k) But has NO debt.

A DAN graduating college works in the global bio magnetic slave hive, class Luna and makes $30 an hour ($60k) BUT he has $150K in compounding DEBT!!!

DO THE MATH MORANOS!!!! LOL, you failures! The 'minimum wage' is nothing more than a calibration device to make sure that wages inflate at the same rate all across the board. Your typical $8 minimum wage today was yesterdays bachelors degree wage. Today it is $15 and $30 respectively. Monterous, moranic MORANS!!!



More on the "MOVE bombing" / Black wolf in sheeps clothing

This is a follow up to the article I posted today about how blacks think obama is black (one of them) but like every single black mayor in any city, he represents a wolf in sheeps clothing. Every black person in philly cried and cheered when Wilson Goode was elected first black mayor of philly in 1984.

Here he is:

New york had David Dinkons and other cites had their black mayor savors as well. As I mentioned the blacks thought they were finally being represented, but instead became more CONTROLLED and PROCESSED by their inability to question someone who LOOKED like them (black).

My point has been - If you are going to kill a group of people (genocide) make SURE that the killer is seen as being "one of them"....


It dawned on me that many of you don't know what the MOVE bombing was. If you are from Philly you instantly know. Philly became the only city to date to BOMB it's OWN PEOPLE. Now I should clarify that they were black people, but the experiment would not have been a success had their not been a BLACK MAYOR who ordered the bombing. Yes - it was an EXPIRIMENT, a shock-test. Can we get away with BOMBING BLACK PEOPLE if we simply have a BLACK MAYOR make the decision. The rest is history. If Wilson Goode got away with a masacre on philly blacks, imagine what the new president can get away with! Imagine.....

MOVE was a 'radical' organizational of a few hippies... they were back to africa nature 'nuts' - they changed their last names to "Africa" as in John Africa... and owned about 3 houses on a Osage Ave in west Philly. It's important to note that there were only 3 houses where move lived, the rest of the neighborhood was simply ordinary working-class [black] people. Also note that they were not a black supremacy group, they were made up of both black and white people.

I've included a USA today article below to get you interested on the event and how a SIILAR "MOVE bombing"/event has already been decided - and that, like MOVE it shall be a 'success' because 'the mayor is black'...

Had the MOVE bombing happened in a white section of Philly, there would have been a race-war! Likewise had it been a white mayor who bombed a black neighborhood - there would also have been a race war. So what's the solution? As I said: the KILLER must LOOK LIKE HIS VICTIM!

Article below [my comments in brackets]

Twenty years ago this Friday, city police dropped a bomb on this block and let it burn. Five children and six adults, members of a small radical collective called MOVE, died; 61 homes in a middle-class neighborhood were destroyed. As the nation watched, Philadelphia became the city that bombed its own people.

A generation later, MOVE is still around, its members still agitating for the release of eight who have been in prison since a 1978 cop-killing. Most of the other two dozen or so members, all of whom take the surname Africa, live in a house 3 miles from Osage. The mayor who approved the bombing, Wilson Goode, 66, is a pastor [I just gotta chime in real quick here - note how the former mayor ends up becoming a pastor.. same shit I keep telling you: selling crap-and-a-blue-sky the those who demand it!] who runs a youth-mentoring program. And the residents of Osage Avenue are still trying to get their homes back.

Philadelphia has spent $42 million in financial settlements, investigation and rebuilding to try to fix what happened that day. It was a law enforcement failure so spectacular that it would not be equaled until the siege near Waco eight years later. [you thought WACO was the first "WACO" didnt you! But during waco, everyone in philly said that they did a "MOVE" on them!] A month ago, 24 homeowners won a $12 million suit against the city for the botched rebuilding and repairs of their homes.

The memory of the bungled decisions and bad judgment that led police to drop a satchel of explosives from a helicopter onto a residential neighborhood — and the horror that resulted — still stings.

"Every year when May comes around, I think of it, of course, because I'll never forget that it's May 13, 1985," says Mary Ellen Krober, a lawyer for the city who negotiated settlements with 11 MOVE families.

'Grossly negligent' actions

When the Rev. Isaac Miller arrived in Philadelphia shortly after the bombing, there was little discussion of it, he says. It was too disturbing: The city's first black mayor had dropped a bomb on a black neighborhood. [stop right here fools! Re-read that last sentence!! Is this begning to sound like ...9/11.... 9.11 being an "inside job" shocked NOBODY who lived through MOVE! Why would the government 'bomb its own people' they would say --- MOVE did it AND ADMITTED IT 16 years earlier!!]

"In many ways, for African-Americans, it's painful to remember," says Miller, an Episcopal priest who will speak Friday at a commemoration. "But ... it has to be" remembered.

A commission that investigated found that Goode and two other officials, police commissioner Gregore Sambor and fire commissioner William Richmond, had been "grossly negligent." The deaths of the MOVE children "appeared to be unjustified homicide," it said. Police had not taken them out of the house when they had the chance. They had used excessive force in firing 10,000 rounds of ammunition into the house. The plan to drop explosives was "reckless" and "unconscionable." And they let the fire burn until it was too late to control.

Sambor resigned six months later. Richmond retired in 1988. Goode apologized tearfully on TV and was re-elected in 1988.

"Everybody was shouting at the television set, 'Put out the fire!' " says Carl Singley, a lawyer who was counsel to the MOVE commission.

That five children died, huddled in the basement of the MOVE house, brings tears to his eyes. "I imagine those last hours down in the basement," he says.

The confrontation came after months of complaints from neighbors about MOVE, which is not an abbreviation for anything. Members broadcast political harangues on bullhorns day and night, threw garbage and filth into their yard and kept their children naked as part of a dedication to "Mom Nature." The violence was touched off when police tried to evict members and arrest some of them.

"You can say whatever you want about the adult MOVE people in the house and whether they got what they deserved," says John Anderson, co-author of Burning Down the House, a book about MOVE. "But there were kids in the house."

Eight years later, the standoff between federal agents and the Branch Davidians near Waco, Texas, echoed the MOVE scenario. Since then, says Henry Ruth, who served on commissions investigating MOVE and Waco, police have changed their tactics. In 1996, the Montana Freemen standoff ended peacefully when federal agents simply waited out the Freemen. "They learned a lot from Waco, and I think they learned from MOVE about the inevitability of tragedy when you start raiding a cult where you have no contingency plan," Ruth says. "Law enforcement has seen the need to wait and wait and wait. I think we've learned a lot of lessons. But it took MOVE and it took Ruby Ridge and it took Waco to learn that, and that was over 100 lives."

One of the two who escaped the fire, Ramona Africa, 49, spent seven years in prison for riot and conspiracy. Today, she earns her living speaking about MOVE and Mumia Abu-Jamal, a death-row inmate convicted in an unrelated 1981 killing of a police officer.

"I am angry, and bitter, and justifiably so," she says. "Not a single official went to prison for murdering my family," referring to the whole Africa clan. The bombing, she says, was "not bad judgment. That is murder."

Members now live in a big house in West Philadelphia, eat "a lot" of raw food, Africa says, and home-school their children. But the tactics have changed, she says, since the bombing drew the world's attention. "It's not necessary for us to be on the bullhorn now. People are calling us for information."

Today, the site of the bombed house, 6221 Osage, is occupied by the police Civil Affairs Unit. The city rebuilt Osage Avenue, but the construction was so shoddy that years of repairs failed to fix the homes. Finally, the city condemned them and offered owners $150,000. Many took the buyout, but 24 families went to federal court. The city is appealing the judgment.

"I'm really disgusted," says resident Nan Chainey. I'm tired, and I want to end this thing."

Twenty years of struggle left the residents of Osage Avenue distrustful of the government they asked in 1985 to help them with their neighbors.

"They want us, the people, physically out," says Gerald Renfrow, a roofer who has lived on the block since 1959. "When we're out, that means there's no one left on Osage to tell the story of what happened."


NEMESIS once said in a video: "if you wna to know whats going to happen to whitey (the majority) look at what already happened to darkie (the minority)

Everything is FIRST TESTED ON THE MINORITY.... MOVE was the first 'government bombs its own people' scenario... that would never happen to white people right??? Then came WACO. Well that could never happen to "good" white people - then came 9/11.

The jews were just the TEST for rapid oven genocide. The non-jew Germans would have been next.

If you want a 'heads up' on what going to happen to the MAJORITY of the country you need to look at what has already been tried on the MINORITY of the country.

Nobody gave a damn about the MOVE bombing in 1985... there was no public outrage, or even national media attention -- after all they were just BLACKS. Only when WACO happened did the sheep go "OH MY GOD THEIR BOMBING THEIR OWN PEOPLE - HOW SHOCKING"... already happened....

The Round-ups of Jews within germany gained no public outrage -- after all they were just JEWS, but had it happened to them they may have been a bit more shocked.

This is yet another reason why GROUPING sheeple together is a great way to control them - for they will never even SEE a problem of another 'group' as their own....


This sign is NOT from 2009 - it is from 1963!!! It is a sign thatONLY blacks held up in protest for civil rights.

How IRONIC that today it is the majority of white protesters who hold up this sign!

If the majority wants a crystal ball to see into the future, just look at what the minority endures.

Letter from Wesley Casteleyn / HUMAN GOD DRUG

"Your Honor:

Yes, they need a savior, a new fatherly figure to take the responsibility for their lives, so they don't have to make the 'hard' choices!

-- Wesley Casteleyn "

It's the ARTIFICIAL WOMB -- the human god. Humans are forever looking for mommy and daddy to take care of them. The want this so unbelievably great that they will do ANYTHING to find attain this. Humans become addicted to a 'care-free' life when they are born - the reason is that they are only species that takes so long for them to become 'independent' VS their lifespan. A child is babied from birth to puberty - around age 13. Before this age he is physically incapable of survival on his own (though there are some cases). Every other animal is 'kicked out of the nest' way before puberty.

This extended 'babying' of the human species makes them addicted to this in adulthood. This is especially so because the human mind is mature at around 4-5 years old. At that age your basic mental understanding of the world never changes. Think back to Kindergarten, or first grade - you felt, acted and thought the same exact way as you do now. If you were laid back, intellectual, exploitative, risk taking at 5 you are the same way now. If you were stupid, uninterested and antisocial you are the same way now!

So your mind is developed fully at age 5, yet you will spend at least 10 more years being BABIED by your parents. This creates a HUGE, HUGE, addiction and dependency on HUMAN GODS to take care of you. While at age 5 you are have the full mental capacity to understand things like without working/hunting for food you will starve - you are not TOLD this.... instead you are HIDDEN from reality by your parents who tell you that food magically appears on the dinner table each night and WE, the PARENTS magically get it, and everything else you desire FOR YOU. The child cannot escape this because while his mind is mature enough at age 5 to understand both the TRUTH (you must work for food) and FANTASY (Human gods bring you food) - his BODY is too underdeveloped to exploit the former.

This way of human upbringing literally builds a MATRIX around the child. He must spend 10-14 years in "candy-land".

So is it then any surprise that when he reaches the high school, and begins to learn that everything he knows about how one survives is a complete LIE, that he begins to rebel against it? He is 18, but has spent the last 17 years of his life being given everything by human gods (parents). So is it any wonder that he will begin to look to other HUMAN GODS to feed him each night?

The average person is addicted to a drug fed to him by his parents - HUMAN GOD DRUG. The only way to get a 'fix' is to seek out an expend energy doing whatever it takes to get the HUMAN GOD DRUG. Are you beginning to see why they are calling the Obama inauguration a EUPHORIC experience??!!! It is EUPHORIA because these addicts are finally being given their dose of HUMAN GOD DRUGS that they have been hooked on since birth.

That's why they have glazed eyes, drooling faces, dilated pupils, rapid heart beat, sweaty palms, numbness and tingly-feelings, lowered inhibitions, a feeling of supreme HIGH.... it is a DRUG. The mobs look no different than a crown of drunks in a bar past 12am... stumbling and happy - yelling and screaming, hootin' and hollerin'.

The elite are raised much differently, and much more in tuned with reality. As a result they put themselves in the position of drug dealer to those who are addicted to the GOD DRUG. Hence their power - it's as simple as that.

Like anyone with a drug addiction, they are NEVER content. And just like any drug it never is a true FIX to a problem. You must always return to the dealer for more. Surely a child would love to never have to obey his parents demands, but if he wants his fix of HUMAN GOD DRUG then he must obey his parents commands. The average adult is just looking for his DADDY who will give him his drugs - in return he shall do the chores around the house.

A child of say 9 years old can pull the weight of an adult on say a FARM - that is to say he could theoretically demand to be PAID the same wage as an adult worker - but he is INDUCED to do it for free by his parents who instead supply him with the HUMAN GOD DRUG. The masses, like any drug addict, will never realize that the energy they put towards feeding their addiction could also be used to SOLVE their addiction. But because of the very different ways humans are raised by their parents, they are too far addicted to the human god drug to ever see past their vice.

So when you look at the obama crowds on TV, and when you see people who droll over him in public, and why you witness the hysteria, I want you to think of a crack addict who just scored a sack of rocks.

-- benevolent hives

DANs in Iraq Celebrate the new american Prime minister

Just in case you thought this babboonery was only confined to north america - have a look at the Iraqi DANs (yes - Iraq apparently has a black community...) dancing it up on the streets at their new black god. Now - lol... I wonder if these Dumb-Ass-N*ggers actually think about 300 more iraqi civilians WONT be killed this week. That's right fools - complainy time is OVER - Bush is no longer president. That means I don't want to hear anything from anyone!

Morans. I don't know who is worse - the minority of DAN's that are completely mezomorized by the closest thing that resembles them - or the majority of emasuculated white morans who literally just got PWNED forever last night.

Did you enjoy the video of Obama dancing like a white-boy last night??? Jaleel White (steve urkel) can dance, Tiger Woods can dance, I've even seen Bryant Gumble dance - why is the black president without any rhythm? As a matter of fact if you were to have a white person try to immitate how WHITE people dance - it wouldn't be as akward as what I saw last night. My point remains, you dumb black masses - he is not one of you.

But it doesnt matter does it? I went to the bar last night - the juke box was on - everything was all good, everyone havin a good time. Then a DAN MOOK walks in and demands that the TV be turned to the 11 o'clock news. "GO' "HEAD OBAMA!" ... "WHOOO - YOU DA MAN OBAMA" "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!"

NEMESIS was the first and ONLY one to call the 'people' element of society for what they are SHEEPLE. This absolutely PROVES that. I remember when I uploaded those first videos waaaay back in 2005 - the comments were like: we're not sheep, they're not sheep, blah blah. All you have to do is look around the WORLD to see the symboitic, robotic, moranic behavior of the 'black' jesus worshiping masses today.

I wonder if these DANs realize that nothing will "change" for them - at least they way thy want things to change. I wonder if these DANs try to walk out of the bar, that the same white cops are on the corner ready to beat and tase them for being black-in-public. DANs!

He's not one of you.

I watched a one on one interview w/ him also last night at the bar. He came off as more Arabic/Middle eastern, than 'black american' - I once had a land-lord from Tunisa and his mannerisms where IDENTICAL to Obamas. But like BUSH had been thouroughly schooled in how to appear like a working-class, rural, texas cowboy redneck - Obama has been thoroughly trained to appear like a working class, city, south side of Chicago, my mammy was a share-cropper, Martin Luther King, I have a dream, we shall overcome, Rosa Parks, Jessie Jackson, rainbow coalition, hip hop, every-day-struggle black - so as to appear to be 'one of them'.

The last time I remember something similar to this was when the DANs were foaming at the mouth over TIGER WOODS...

Except back then they seemed to have more of a brain [morans] because they saw that indeed his father grew up in Kanasas, and his ancestors came here on a slave ship.

Again the point is not about 'color' it is just about the amazing DOUBLE-THINK that I witnessed last night at the morans staring at the TV...

The elite are geniuses - they know that the black peasants around the country will NEVER, EVER say a WORD now... after all there is a "BLACK" as president. So if you farm of mooks demands anything or believes they are being treated UNFAIRLY (ie - Katrina) the prime minister will simply come on TV and say, what do you mean your being treated differently? Im the president and I'm black.... the end.

Imagine fools during hurricaine Katrina, if it had been OBAMA rather than BUSH in office. LOL. Those DANS would STILL be in that Super-Dome to this DAY! When they finally dig up their fossils 10,000 years from now they will find them wearing Obama T-shirts and "evy thangs gonna be aiight" expressions on their black faces. So this is gonna be good --- just IMAGINE the POWER Obama has over the masses, but specifically the BLACKS should a disaster hit BLACK PEOPLE (ie like Katrina). Oh yes....

The sheep never get it - but blacks are interesting because they are just as racist as whites, and both groups end up fucking themselves:

THINK - these DANS who are foaming over Obama now, cause "eby thangs gonna be aiight" have not stopped to THINK about what has happened in cities with BLACK MAYORS.... I'll give you a hint...NOT A DAMN THING!

LOL - see you fools dont remember but the SAME mumbo-jumbo was hyped up here in Philly and in NYC and every other 'mixed' city before they got their first black mayor. Things were gonna change, a black man is mayor, he'll look out for us (the blacks).. the whites went 'this is good to have a black mayor because it will bring us all together!'...you FOOLS its the SAME THING. Since most of you come from cow-patch you've never known what it was like to have a HNIC (head n*gger in charge) but here in Philly I can remember the FIRST black mayor (there have been 3 more since).... did anything change for black people in Philly? Or in NYC? Or in Chicago??? LOL!! HELL NO!!!

you FOOLS!

I kindly reminded the black MORANS at the bar last night of how I remember the SAME TEARS coming from blacks (and whites) in Philly in 1984 when Willson Goode was elected the first black mayor.... OH PARAAAISE DA LAWWWWD!!!! OUr Black Jesus is here!!!!

A few months later he did this:

Yep - that's a BOMB! It's being dropped by a police helicopter.

Yep - that's where the BLACK PEOPLE LIVE AT!

Yep - that's 2 entire city blocks of CIVILIAN BLACK PEOPLE completely BOMBED! 61 HOUSES COMPLETELY OBLITERATED -- SIXTY ONE!

Just two of the victims.....



Not a goddamed thing! You see when the mayor is BLACK, how can you argue against him bominbing other black people! LOL --- MORANS!!!

Your BLACK MAYORS have been around since the 1980's and they have done NOTHING for the black. So why would you expect a president to be an different??!!!

To the contrary conditions in cities with black mayors have become worse for the black and he has LOST HIS ABILITY TO PROTEST simply because "the mayor is black too".

When will you fools learn - If you are going to control the sheep - you have to look JUST LIKE THEM: A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING.

PS - as you all know I of course SUPPORT this 200% - I am just pointing out, once more, the utter mindlessness in the masses who never stop to think - if they cannot think how can they be called humans?

If you are interested in learning more about the BOMBING ordered by Willson Goode in 1985 please google "MOVE Bombing Philadelphia"

djhives youtube account.....

..is no more.....

did it ever exist?

Isn't it amazing how knowledge exists so long as it is not wiped from the face of the earth.

...it makes you wonder about technology and knowledge on Earth --

You all know the knowledge of NEMESIS - but imagine if it was never shared.

Imagine those who would love NEMESIS videos but will no longer be able to find them.

Perhaps they will conclude what NEMESIS has DECADES from now... not knowing that such knowledge already exists....

Obamas inaguration speech... does this sound familiar??

Tell me fools.. does this sound like a NEMESIS video - grab a snak cause this sit is better than fiction!!! behold:

"We are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthens our adversaries and threatens our planet.

These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land - a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights.

In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted - for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things - some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor, who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and freedom.

Read the entire speech here:


27 year old writing Obamas speeches.

"When Barack Obama steps up to the podium to deliver his inaugural address, one man standing anonymously in the crowd will be paying especially close attention. With his cropped hair, five o'clock shadow and boyish face, he might look out of place among the dignitaries, though as co-author of the speech this man has more claim than most to be a witness to this moment of history.

Jon Favreau, 27, is, as Obama himself puts it, the president's mind reader. He is the youngest chief speechwriter on record in the White House, and, despite such youth, was at the centre of discussions of the content of today's speech, one which has so much riding on it.

For a politician whose rise to prominence was largely built upon his powers as an orator, Obama is well versed in the arts of speech-making. But today's effort will tower over all previous ones.

It is not just that Obama has set an extremely high bar by invoking the inaugural speeches of Abraham Lincoln as his inspiration - admitting to feeling "intimidated" when he read them. It is also that, as he begins his term with the US in an economic crisis and two wars, he knows he needs to kick start his presidency with a soaring rhetoric that both moves and motivates the American people.

The tone of the speech could be decisive in determining how the public responds to his first 100 days, as Franklin Roosevelt's famous line "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" helped to determine his.

Obama aides have let it be known that a key theme will be restoring responsibility - both in terms of accountability in Washington and the responsibility of ordinary people to get involved. Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, talks of a "culture of responsibility" that would "not just be asked of the American people; its leaders must also lead by example."

In composing the high notes of the speech, Obama has leant on Favreau, whom he discovered almost by chance four years ago when the younger man was working on John Kerry's failed presidential bid. "Favs" has since studied Obama's speech patterns and cadences with the intensity of a stalker. He memorised the 2004 speech to the Democratic national convention which first brought Obama into the limelight. He is said to carry Obama's autobiography, Dreams From My Father, wherever he goes. As a result, last November when Favreau sat down to write the first draft of the inaugural address, he could conjure up his master's voice as if an accomplished impersonator.

That skill had been put to almost daily use in the 18 months of brutal campaigning on the presidential trail. Favreau would be up most nights until 3am, honing the next day's stump speeches in a caffeine haze of espressos and Red Bull energy drinks, taking breaks to play the video game Rock Band. He coined a phrase for this late-night deadline surfing: "crashing".

He crashed his way through all Obama's most memorable speeches. He wrote the draft of one that helped to turn Iowa for Obama while closeted in a coffee shop in Des Moines. For the presidential election, he wrote two speeches: one for a victory, one for defeat. When the result came through, he emailed his best friend: "Dude, we won. Oh my God."

The tension between such youthful outbursts and his onerous role has sometimes cost the 27-year-old. In December, pictures of him and a friend mocking a cardboard cut-out of Hillary Clinton at a party, Favreau's hand on her breast, were posted on Facebook to his huge embarrassment.

Obama is an accomplished writer in his own right, and the process of drafting with his mind reader is collaborative. The inaugural speech has shuttled between them four or five times, following an initial hour-long meeting in which the president-elect spoke about his vision for the address, and Favreau took notes on his computer.

Favreau then went away and spent weeks on research. His team interviewed historians and speech writers, studied periods of crisis, and listened to past inaugural orations. When ready, he took up residence in Starbucks in Washington and wrote the first draft. The end result will be uttered on the steps of the Capitol.

Obama's mind reader has crashed his way through yet another deadline."



Let's see what happens..............

"there is a gonna be a crisis come along on the 21st or 22nd of january that we dont even know about" -- Powell

More on "stupid" politicians

Sexy..... anyway... I'd like to say - as a few of you pointed out on the post below about Bush leaving office that PAILIN was another one those GENIUS politicians that played stupid to the masses.

Who remembers hearing during the campaigne: "oh that sara pailin is SO STUPID...." "like OMG, shes so DUMB"... the media hyped it up even more making the ACT seem that much more real.

Moranic sheeple. LOL. Come on - if you have MORANS calling a politician stupid... lol.... Palin is a genius - shes HOT #1, #2 is she knows how to act. It's the old good-cop bad cop routine. Make one politician look better by making the other look like a retard.. And Pailin played these sheep like a PLAYSTATION all during the fall of last year - MORANS! Shes the goddamed govenor of the state of Alaska!

Do you think she got that way by being an Ewok? No fools - it's how every sheep thinks their BOSS or the owner of the company is the biggest IDIOT in the building. NO MORANS he's the genius - you work hard to prove that you're smarter than your 'idiot boss'...

Then you had McCain - I jut LOVE how he pretended to be an old, out of touch, awkward man, with Alzheimer.... HA!

You had all the sheep going, hes so OLD and SLOW, and DETACHED.... Let me tell you something McCain is a SHARP AS A TACK intellectually - Watch several of his interviews AFTER he 'lost' the election. The one he did on the Letterman show sticks out in my mind. He did it a few days after Obama win the election. In the interview he has the SLIEST SMILE/SMIRK of his face... as if he had just got done tricking a mass of cattle to herd into a meat processing plant. He sat their as poised as can be, ruthless and grinning and he talked to letterman with more confidence that you ever would have seen him exhibit during the campaign show -- after all it was all over now. He made several jokes as if to say "i dint give a fuck" about losing the election - then he would revert back into the "pathetic old man" Mccain when asked about the election specifically.... You fools, they turn this charade on and off like a light switch. They go from stupid, bumbling politician, to YOU BETTER DO AS I TELL YOU politician, and then back to the meek "I'm sorry - I have failed you" politician that we saw from Bush as he left the whitehouse ---- AND YOU FOOLS FALL FOR IT EVERY TIME!!!

Bush, Mccain, and Obama are probably partying right now in that new PIMP-RIDE they got just marveling on how EASY it all was!!

I want to tell you morans something.

If you remember, and think back, when bush first came to office before 9.11 in 2001 he pretended to be VERY compassionate, sensitive, meek, diplomatic and all the other words for a fuzzy, soft politician -- then he immediately switched to the genus highly AUTHORITATIVE/ORDER GIVING bush that we knew post 9/11. I thought this was BRILLIANT because the effect a person is more than doubled when they think you are SOFT -- and then you suddenly turn HARD. This is good cop/bad cop again. The good cop allows the suspect to RELAX and LISTEN.. to open up... The bad cop then enters the room and BARKS questions - more suggestion is therefor injected into a person whose guard is down. This is exactly what happened after 9/11. The American people were caught off guard by bushes sudden commands and demands of them - and that's what made it all the more effective.

If the politician is too hard from the get-go people will become cynical and not be open to suggestion - like towards the end of bushes last term in office - the people have grown cynical to hear "the decider" bark at them - their mental and emotional guard is up.

But looky here! Now the sheeples guard is COMPLETELY DOWN!!! In fact they have their pants down and their asses bent up in the air. They simply LOVE their gentle, loving, caring, god, obama... just imagine how open these cattle will be to the shock when it comes. Just imagine how high they will JUMP when obama gives the word.

I remember hearing morans going "bush is ruining the country! - he's such an idiot!" - No bitch - YOU'RE the IDIOT and he's making the country BETTER!

Its the same old game since NIXON. It works like this:

1) Come in as the CHANGER
2) Shake shit up
3) go out as the "man who made mistakes" and has "regrets"

Nixon went out with a scandal - by doing this the next president is made to look better, like the hero, like the savior... who was Ford... who also went out with a scandal ..then Carter came in to save the day as the hero...but alas carter "fucked up" and then Regan was the new hero, but then regan "fucked up" and Bush 1 came to the rescue....

If you MORANS remember 1990 - it was CLINTON who ran on the same exact slogan as obama - CHANGE - you morans simply cant remember can you - i remember as clear as day - Clinton and his supporters wanted CHANGE, a new YOUNG, handsome president to "CHANGE" the old withering white man fucking up the country regime that had been going on for a while.

So how did the sheep end up with bush 2?


IT WAS A GODDAMED PUPPET SHOW CIRCUS and ALL of the the sheep fell for it! Are you MORANS?? seriously are you all MORANS!! Do you think the goddamed head of the free world would ever allow a REAL scandal about him to leak to the press that they control? This is why you morans couldnt figure out why Hillary 'still stayed with her cheating husband' -- CAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED MORANS!!! It's like when people always ask "how come Magic Johnson's wife DOESNT have AIDS" --- BITCH BECAUSE HE'S GAY!!!

Look in those SWEET eyes of his!!

He likes to pack-fudge. GET A BRAIN MORANS [go usa].

Here's another pic in case you cant see the SWEETNESS:

Use your brains [morans] Magic johnsons wife never got AIDS cause he wasnt fucking her! Hillary clinton never left her husband after being publicly embarrased because IT NEVER HAPPENED TO BEGIN WITH!!

What the scandal DID do was make clinton look like an ASS-CLOWN so that there would be an excuse for a "change" and a hero - and that person was BUSH JR. (who like all before him are political geniuses!)

Now Jr. is the shamed one -- a botched war (oops), a bad economy (oops), 4000+ dead in Iraq (oops) ... call in a new God to take the cattles mind of the fact that they have been more and more contained in the past 15 years than ever before.

One day very soon all these MORANS are going to be culled. The will be given a flat, and there will be one style of car to chose from - it shall come in 3 colors Black, Navy blue, and Grey.... food shall be delivered by Family Services in a cardboard BOX 2 times daily. Water, chocolate, and razor blades will all be rationed - just like in 1984. You will need a TICKET to leave your magnetic POD and you will be tethered to the Gamma Knife Computer and constantly watched by prisoners on LUNA. In fact those are the people that will make up the entire visual surveillance grid - prisoners.

Here in philly they have already started practice for such a thing - it's called the philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) there are thousands of these meter maids roaming, ticketing and towing like something out of Demolition Man. When they first appeared on the streets in force, everyone thought - where the hell did they get so many meter maids form. Answer? The Prison Colonies - the junkies in prison as part of their parole are assigned a job with the PPA to administer fines. The system is a success. The Lunar Surveillance Network will be set up in the same fashion. If you deviate from the law - you will become the law (in one form or the other).

People like FURK will be plugged into a spy camera in somewhere in Tycho as apposed to making license plates.

It's almost the 23rd - Will Powell's warning come true??

Comment Box for "DAN"

A place for you all to comment on the NEMESIS film "Dan"....


Daniel - NEMESIS


Top of the morning morans. How are you? Not so fucking happy now are you. Let me remind you - today's your day. Oh what's that? You forgot? You know the day you've been waiting for, for the past 6 years. Bush's last day in office. Well that's it bitch. Bush is gone. He is no longer the president. Are you happy now? Or did you completely forget your sadistic fantasy about a new president completely. Sure you forgot.

I remember hearing you MORANS discuss how you were going to throw parties and celebrations when he was finished being the Commander in chief. Well fools "the decider" is gawn - but your monkey ass aint celebrating. You wanna know why? Because your ass is in the midst of a self inflicted financial nightmare of biblical proportions! That's right bitch - you skuuurd. You're so scared about loosing your bubble-house and bubble-job that you may have come to some sort of remedial intellectual epiphany: BUSH WAS NOT THE CAUSE OF YOUR PROBLEMS.

Now your quiet as a church mouse and feeling lower than a snake with a top hat because he who laughs, laughs last.

Let me set the record straight. Bush was a GENIUS. I marveled at how he could trick the moranic masses into thinking HE was the stupid one! It was brilliant how he could PRETEND to be a bumbling redneck from the back woods of Texas and how the masses saw this act as proof that he was stupid. Don't you fools understand the game? If the president LOOKS stupidity then EVERYTHING HE DOES CAN BE FORGIVEN AS SIMPLY HIS STUPIDITY. It's like how women get away with things by pretending they are HELPLESS. They go "I can't do this" "or I'm not strong enough" or "I don't know how" and the man comes running to do it for the 'helpless/stupid' woman.

Bush played you like a John. Let's just take a look at what "the worlds words president" accomplished with his "stupidity" ... let's see what old "dumb bush" materialized:

1) He got the masses to fighting in two wars.

2) He got the masses to forget all about those wars.

3) He got the masses to accept the Patriot Act.

4) He skillfully implemented enough new laws and executive orders that the common land cattle is basically living in a global bio magnetic closed circuit slave hive without even realizing he is in this prison.

SO who then is the IDIOT? The man who skillfully achieved EVERYTHING he set out to accomplish, or that masses of MORANS who have been SUBJECTED to the 'idiots' laws.

Like OBI WAN KANOBI said: "who's more foolish - the FOOL or the FOOL that FOLLOWS HIM".

The masses are too stupid to even begin to understand what I'm saying - but it is still interesting to see the irony of all the FROWNY FACES today, not even cracking a smile at the reality of bush no longer being president. In fact it's the last thing on their minds right now.

You gotta think - if BUSH, who was not 'personable' in the minds of the cattle, accomplished so much as "worlds worst president", just IMAGINE what the worlds most LOVED president, Obmam will accomplish. This is going to be good! I don't think there has EVER been someone who had so much POWER than this mans image. If a bumbling bush could issue the Patriot Act after 9.11 - imagine what Obama could do after another 'event'.

Dumb sheeple.

So make sure you rub it in to the sheeple you see today - kindly remind them that BUSH was the best president the U.S. has EVER had - there is not one thing he set out to do and failed at.


The best way to get away with anything is to pretend you didn't know any better. In other words "play stupid". Women do it all the time - so do politicians. Women get away with it because the man is supposedly running the show. Politicians get away with it because the masses of sheeple who voted him in are supposedly running the show.